
Jude gota record deal a few days after Thanksgiving.

We were both chasing dreams, his just happened to be the kind that would continuously take him away from me. He’d told me we were strong enough to withstand being apart, but I didn’t feel it.Hemight’ve been strong enough, but I was weak when it came to him. We’d made it through the Busted tour, and the past couple months together had been pretty amazing, but our time was borrowed. Logistics were being worked out for recording his album, and after that, who knew?

The time we had together felt like grains of sand in an hourglass. We clung to each second, needy and desperate for each other. Each time I turned down Nina or Tino’s offers to hang out to spend my night locked away with Jude, I saw their pointed looks. I heard Tino muttering “co-dependent” under his breath. Hewantedme to hear. He was lucky I loved him anyway.

Ben bumped into my side. “That smells delicious, EG.”

I waved the scented steam toward my face. “Teresa DiPietro knows her sauce.”

He peered into the pot I’d been stirring on the stove. “Need a taste tester?”

I scooped up a bit of sauce on a clean spoon, blowing on it first, then holding it up to Ben’s mouth. His eyes closed as he got his first taste.

“Damn. Is your mom firmly married to your dad? She looking for a second husband?”

I laughed. “Pretty sure one husband is enough for her.”

“How about you? You sure about this thing with Jude?”

He’d moved closer to me, and some of the playfulness had left his voice. With a hand on his chest, I pushed him away. He barely budged, but he got the message.

“Yes, Benny, I’m sure about this thing with Jude.”

He leaned against the kitchen counter, crossing his arms over his chest. “Don’t know how he got so lucky.”

I rolled my eyes. “We’re both lucky.”

“Really? Are you gonna feel lucky when he’s gone three-quarters of the time?”

I almost threw my spoon at him. “What the hell, Ben? Are you seriously trying to talk me out of being with yourbestfriend?”

His jaw ticked for a second before he relaxed and held his hands up. “Nah, I wouldn’t do that. I’m just surprised it’s lasted so long.”

This time, I threw my spoon down on the stove top. “That’s cruel. Why are you saying these things to me right now?”

“’Cause I was here all summer. I saw the weight of his absence pulling you down. And he’s been back for months, but you’re still drooping. You’re supposed to be happy and young and in love. If you’re not, then what’s the point?”

I huffed, trying to make a joke of it. “Are you calling me old?”

“Nope. I’m calling you unhappy.”

I flipped him off. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

His eyes narrowed on me, staring me down for a long time. There was an edginess about him that was new. Or maybe I was just noticing it.

We’d spent a lot of time together over the last year, between classes, Gamelan ensemble, and just hanging out. Sometimes I felt as close to him as I was to Tino. And then other times, like now, I wondered if I knew him at all.

Abruptly, his entire demeanor changed. He grinned broadly and flipped me off right back.

“I don’t wanna fight with you. I just want to eat your mom’s sauce and chill out.”

I tried to stay mad, but when he wanted to be, Ben could be pretty damn charming. “Fine. Just keep your smartass lips zipped about my boyfriend and I won’t dump this entire pot on your head.”

He winced. “That’d be a travesty.” Then he mimed zipping his lips before hopping his tall ass up on the counter to watch me cook.

Tino wandered in a little while later and actually helped me. He cut up veggies for salad while I prepared garlic bread.