With his hand in mine, he stepped into the tub and joined me under the spray. I laid my head on his chest, relaxing into him. He held me quietly for a minute, heartbeats aligning and slowing.

Fingers brushed wet strands from my forehead. “You okay?”

I nodded, my cheek sliding against his wet chest. “Yeah. I’m pretty sore, but I’ll live.”

He tried to cringe away from me, but I held tight. “Stay.”

“I’m sorry I hurt you,” he whispered.

“We were both there. You didn’t do anything I didn’t want. No guilt. Everything was incredible, I just happen to feel like shit right now.”

He pressed a kiss to the top of my head. “Right there with you.”

We stood under the beat of the water until it ran cold, then dried off and got dressed. It turned out, doing E, then fucking for hours, was the thing to turn off my libido. I had no desire to have sex anytime soon. My poor, swollen vagina agreed.

Instead, we snuggled in bed and talked about the next stops on the tour. We only had to get through three and a half more weeks apart. I didn’t seem so insurmountable now that we’d gotten through the first half.

“I wish I could come with you.”

Jude pressed a warm kiss to my chin. “Me too, Stripes. One day, you’re gonna be the band’s manager and come with us everywhere.”

I laughed. “No way would I ever attempt to manage Jin or Jeremy. You’ll need a saint for those two.”

He gave me a crooked grin. “You’d manage me?”

“I think I could handle you.”

“You can.” He traced a finger down my cheek. “You hear about that internship?”

“I have an interview next week. It’s unpaid, and it’ll mean I’m going to be even busier next semester…”

Jude gripped my jaw. “This is your dream. We’re both chasing them right now, and that might mean we’re going to have to be apart for a while, but I think we love each other enough to withstand that. If I only get to see you when you fall asleep in my arms, then I’ll live with that, knowing you’re learning to do the thing you’ve always wanted to do.”

“I can’t even think about not being with you when you’re back in the same state as me again. It kind of makes me sick.”

He tipped my chin with his knuckle, capturing my gaze with his firm, steady eyes. “Let’s make a promise right here, Stripes. When I’m back, we’re in the same bed every night. If it’s my bed or yours, doesn’t matter. We’ll go to sleep and wake up together.”

My eyes burned and nose twitched, but I held myself together enough to nod. I wanted that too.

Only three and a half more weeks until we were back to normal. Back to us.