Tipping my head back, I nuzzled his neck. “Peer pressure, Jude.”

His throat rumbled against my face. “Fine.”

Jeremy shook his head. “Let Tali give it to you.”

He put the pill on the tip of my tongue, then I kissed Jude, giving both my tongue and the ecstasy to him. He swallowed but didn’t let go of my mouth. We were still kissing when Jeremy wandered away. The high from the drug hadn’t kicked in yet, but I already felt high. My head was floaty, and my limbs were heavy.

We kissed until I started feeling the notes of the music brushing along my arms and legs, and then I had to dance. Jude and I moved together, touching everywhere. The nerves in my fingers had come alive, sparking with the need tofeel.

We weren’t alone in our dancing or our high. Jeremy had made the rounds, passing out the little pills with smiley faces stamped on them to anyone who wanted one. We were a mass of swaying bodies. They were strangers, but they weren’t. I hugged everyone, but I hugged Jude the most. I told people I’d just met that I loved them. It felt true, so I said it.

Jude reserved his love for me. His hands were under my shirt, inside my bra, down the back of my pants.

“I need your skin on my skin. Do you know we’re made of the same thing?”

“We all are.” I waved my arms around. “We’re all made of stardust.”

“No.” He shook his head over and over. “No, you’re made of everything good, Stripes. Do you understand how much I love you?”

“I do. I feel it. You’re sunshine.”

Someone passed out water bottles, and I drank the entire thing in less than a minute, parched and sweaty. Jude spun me around in circles until I was laughing and dizzy, then he pulled me in so my back was pressed to his chest.

His hands splayed on my slick stomach. If it was my sweat or his, I couldn’t say. His fingertip circled my belly button, but it might as well have been wired directly to my core. I writhed against him, clasping my hands behind his neck.

Jin stopped in front of us, smiling placidly. “Say cheese, lovebirds.” He held up his camera and snapped a few pictures before dancing away from us to take pictures of other people.

“Is this what you do when I’m not here?” I asked.

Jude bit the side of my neck, growling as he licked at the skin between his teeth. “Never. I’d never do E without you. I don’t wanna love on these fuckers. Only you.”

“But you do other stuff?”

He slid his lips along my neck. “Mmmm...sometimes.”

My skin pebbled. I shook everywhere. Whether it was from his admission or his mouth, I wasn’t sure. But I felt an overwhelming need to protect him from everything ugly and dangerous in the world.

I turned to face him, and almost got stuck in the kaleidoscope of colors in his eyes. “Be safe, Jude.”


We kissed and danced and hugged. He held me like I was more precious than anything in this world. And I held him the same way, because he was. The love in my body didn’t seem like it could be contained. I needed to let it out. To pour it all over him.

I pushed at Jude’s shirt until he yanked it over his head. His skin on my lips was magic. I couldn’t stop kissing his chest and neck. His hands were in my hair, and my scalp tingled.

Another body pressed against my back. Glancing over my shoulder, I laughed at the intense look on Seven’s face as he attempted to follow mine and Jude’s rhythm. Hot breath tickled my ear as he leaned in to talk to me.

“You’re so damn pretty, but you tear my boy apart.”

I laughed again. What he said was so ridiculous, and his lips brushing my ear sent shivers down my spine.

Jude scowled, yanking me into his chest harshly and giving me an inch of distance from Seven. “Get the fuck away from her,” he growled.

When Seven backed off, Jude captured my mouth again, kissing us both breathless. “Can I get you out of here yet?” he asked.

Sliding my hands down his bare chest, I saw stars. “Yes please.”

We were in a cab in minutes, and inside our hotel room minutes after that. We hadn’t said goodbye to anyone, but this peaceful feeling inside me said they’d understand.