“I’ve been studying by the pool.” Her fingers tangled in the back of my hair. “Your hair is getting long.”

“Want me to cut it?”

She cocked her head, considering. “Nope.You’rebeautiful.”

“Are you really here?”

She reached behind me and pinched my ass. “See? I’m really here. And I’ve already met the assholes, so you don’t have to introduce us.”

“Does that mean…?”

She arched a brow. “That we can leave and go to the hotel? Hell yes.”

We spent the next forty-eight hours in two different cities and two different hotels, talking and fucking. I played my shows, with Tali in the front row, then carted her little ass back to our room, needing as much time as I could get just the two of us.

She’d probably been expecting to go see other bands perform, but she didn’t complain when I didn’t want to stick around. We hadn’t seen each other in nearly a month; I wasn’t sharing her when I could have her all to myself.

Tali was lying face down on our bed, stark naked and stunningly beautiful. My eyes fell down the curves of her back in a landslide to her widening hips and round little ass. She turned her head and found my eyes wandering her body. I wasn’t ashamed. I wanted Tali to know how goddamn beautiful I found her.

“Why do you make me want to throw away my dreams and build new ones all around you?” I asked.

She smiled, slow and sweet, reaching a hand out to lay on my chest. “If you ever give up on music, I’ll murder you.”

“I’m not giving up. Don’t think it’d be physically possible.”

Her fingernails raked lightly over my chest. “Think we could get out of bed tomorrow and listen to some music?”


She laughed. “For a couple hours?”

“Nope. Not sharing you.”

She propped her head up on her fists, gazing at me with warm eyes. “I’ve learned to share you this summer. I think you can share me for a few hours so I can see a few bands and get the chance to hang out with the people you’ve been traveling with.”

“You don’t share me, Stripes.”

She tilted her head to the side, a faint line forming between her eyebrows. “But I do. You’ll never be just mine. Your fans will always own a piece of you.”

I didn’t like the sound of that, and I wasn’t sure I agreed. It sure as hell felt like I was completely owned by Natalia DiPietro.

“Are you just mine?” I asked.

“Beyond the piece of me I’ve saved just for myself? Yeah, Jude. I am.”

As sick as it was, I was jealous of her. Jealous she could hold anything back. I wanted her without any reservations. Maybe we’d get there.

“All right, we’ll leave this bed tomorrow. But not a second before.”