
Hey Stripes,

Guess where I am? I’m in the fucking library in Miami, Florida. Actually, I don’t even think I’m in Miami. I’m in some little town my cab driver brought me to. I think I need to invest in a Blackberry or something so I can email you easily.

I miss you, pretty girl. Can’t believe it’s going to be another two weeks before I see you. Tell me things. How was your first day at work? Have you already been promoted to manager? Do you own the entire record shop now?

This place...it feels like the big leagues. There are a lot of little bands like ours, but yesterday, I ate lunch next to fucking Travis Barker. I know how you feel about Blink-182, but I think even you would be impressed to be eating next to him. Or maybe you’d be too cool for school.

I love you. Can’t wait to hear from you.



Hey Jude,

Work is awesome, but I miss you every second. When I’m helping customers with records, or finding a CD, or just ringing someone up, I want to shout there’s this amazing band called Never Again that’s going to be huge and they should hunt down your CD because holy shit, is it good.

I’m still just a lowly employee, although my boss has connections with an indie record label which I might be able to intern at next semester. Cross all your crossables.

Of course it’s the big leagues. That’s where you belong. Travis freaking Barker should be bragging he got to sit next to you, Jude freaking Goldman.

I’m going out with Nina, Heather, Tino, and Benny tonight, so I might miss your call. You should go out too, so I don’t feel guilty.

I love you more than ever. I’m so damn proud of you. I’m dying to see you.


Tali Stripes

Reluctantly,I returned the Blackberry to the stage manager I’d borrowed it from after reading Tali’s email twice.

“Thanks, man,” I said, mind already somewhere else.

Distracted, mulling over the fact that my girl would rather “go out” than talk to me, when we hadn’t spoken on the phone in nearly a week. We’d emailed every day, but it was me hauling ass to a library or begging to use a Blackberry from a suit. Tali didn’t have to make as much effort; her computer was right next to her bed at Tino’s house.

Seven intercepted me as I walked back to the overcrowded hellhole of a bus we were sharing.

He thumped my shoulder. “Dude, you look like someone stole your candy.”

“Why does it feel like I’ll never stop chasing this girl?”

He frowned. “Tali is cool as hell but come on. You’re on your first tour. You shouldn’t be walking around with a long face. Let’s go watch some music and get fucked up.”

I was hot, tired, kinda filthy, and homesick as hell. We’d already done our set, so the rest of the day was full of a whole lot of nothing. Other bands were playing on three stages all day. There was no reason to sit around the parking lot full of tour buses with a pouty face when I could be out there, enjoying some rad music with a side of chemical enhancement.

“All right. Let’s get fucked up.”

* * *

“Hey, Jude.”

“Hey, Stripes. Can’t believe I get to hear your voice.”

She sighed heavily. “I’ve had a knot in my stomach for days trying to make our schedules line up so we can talk. Email isn’t the same.”

I rolled onto my side in my bunk, rubbing the sore spot on my forehead. I’d been hungover for two days. I was just now beginning to feel human again. Tali had called twice while I was either too wasted or too high to even find my phone, let alone attempt a coherent conversation.