
I stoodin front of the mirror, drawing circles around my eye with black kohl. Turning to Nina, I fluttered my lashes. “Is this sexy emo or sad goth?”

She considered me, hip popped out to the side. “Somewhere in between?”

Heather stuck her head in the door. “Definitely sexy emo. Ignore your cousin.”

I pointed my eyeliner at her. “That’s good advice most days.”

Heather laughed and disappeared again, leaving Nina and me in the hotel bathroom to get ready.

Nina pulled her flat iron through her hair, watching me in the mirror. “Why are you so nervous?”

“Tonight’s a huge deal for Jude,” I said.

“I realize.” She set her flat iron down and crossed her arms over her chest. “But why areyounervous? I’ve never seen you stare at yourself in the mirror like this. You even let me flat iron your hair, which is like a miracle of all miracles.”

It was true. I’d gone all out with my makeup and hair. I’d bought a dress, shorter and more revealing than I’d ever owned, because I had this idea that I wanted Jude to be proud to have me as his. But now I wondered if I looked silly in my slinky black dress and blood red knee-high Docs. Was I trying too hard?

“I’m trying to look the part of rock star girlfriend,” I said, stuffing my insecurities down deep.

She gripped my shoulders so I was facing her. “Girl, you look the part because the part is yours. That boy is so sprung on you. He could have a stadium full of fans, and all he’d see is your goth-emo self.”


She shook her head, like I’d gravely disappointed her. “I’m not even going to play into whatever’s going on in your head. Jude goes on in an hour, we have to get out of here.”

Heather popped her head in the bathroom again, but this time, she came bearing gifts. I took the offered joint without hesitation, taking a couple puffs before passing it to Nina.

Someone banged on the door. “Security!”

I pulled the door open, leaning seductively on the frame. “I promise, I’m innocent, officer. Is there anything I can do toget off?”

Tino cackled and pulled me in for a hug. “You look delicious, Natalia.”

“And you are as dashing as ever, Augustino.”

Nina flipped the bathroom light off and stood in the open doorway with a lit joint in her hand, visible to anyone passing our hotel room.

“She’s nervous,” she said.

Tino’s brow arched. “For Judy Jude?”

I snuggled into him. “For him, for me, for all of it.”

He held me, rocking me back and forth in a peaceful rhythm before smacking my ass and telling me to get over it. Then he shepherded Nina, Heather, and me out onto the New York sidewalk, hailing us a cab in under a minute.

We’d gotten to the city earlier in the day, had a quick lunch together, then Jude had gone to do soundcheck with the band and have a meeting with Ceri, the talent booker for the festival they were hoping to play this summer. I could’ve gone along. Jude had invited me, and I was more than a little interested, but I didn’t want to bethatgirl—the one more involved in her boyfriend’s business than she has any right to be.

So, I hung back, did some shopping with Heather and Nina, and spent too much time getting ready for an event where I’d be in the dark and sweat off half my makeup before I even saw Jude.

He’d mentioned me coming backstage before the show, but again, I’d turned him down. I didn’t want him worrying about me, not when he was about to perform. Never Again wasn’t the main act, but the band they were opening for was becoming more and more popular each day, so this was a big deal. Perhapsthebig deal.

Ben was waiting for us at the venue with VIP passes. He handed them out to everyone, then draped mine around my neck before kissing my cheek.

“Hey, Elevator Girl. You look really pretty.”

I nudged him with my shoulder. “Hey, Benny. You’re looking mighty fine yourself.” We walked inside the dark space, which was bigger than I’d imagined. Ben kept a hand on the small of my back, lower than I liked. When I gave him a glare, he quickly raised it a few inches.