“No, I am. I was just enjoying the moment.” I snatched an eel roll from the closest platter and stuffed it into my mouth. “So good,” I mumbled around it.

He snorted a laugh. “I must really like you to find you talking with your mouth full adorable.” He pushed my hair behind my shoulder and leaned in. “I do. I really fucking like you, Tali.”

I let my cheek brush against his. “I really fucking like you too, Jude.”

“I’ve been waiting.”

“Thank you.” I pulled back so I could meet his gaze. “No more waiting. Let’s press start.”

He pushed his index finger against my lips. “Start.”

I batted his hand away and kissed him with a smile. “Now, tell me what the next surprise is.”

He shook his head slowly. “Not a chance.”

“If you can rip your lips off that ruffian, I have a present for you,” Tino announced.

I arched an eyebrow at him. “These lips have never touched a ruffian. I prefer scoundrels.”

“I’m more into scallywags myself,” Ben said. “I have a gift for you too.”

I pressed my hands to my cheeks. “Are you kidding? You guys shouldn’t have gotten me anything. Just being here is your gift to me.”

“I’m glad you feel that way,” said Laura dryly.

Tino passed me a thick envelope—too thick to only contain a card. I tried to control myself so my new friends didn’t see how demented I became around presents, but I ended up ripping the envelope apart and nearly throwing it across the room when it started singing “Livin’ La Vida Loca.” I managed to hold onto it and unfolded the paper stuck inside, reading it with disbelief.

“They’re good for a year, so we can take them when you’re not so busy,” Tino explained.

My eyes lifted to his. “You got me cooking lessons?”

He nodded, lips drawn tight. “I thought it would be fun to do together...”

I had to blink away tears. This was entirely too much, but I wouldn’t tell him that. Not when he was looking at me like a scared puppy. I’d never known Tino capable of that expression, but it made me want to smoosh his face and reassure him of how ecstatic I was. Instead, I reached my hand across the table, dodging the sushi, to squeeze his.

“You thought right. I’m so excited. When I get back to school, we’re going to sit down and figure out when we can fit these in.”

Tino bowed. “As you wish, milady.”

I turned to Ben and held out my hands. “Gimme.”

He chuckled and reached into his jacket pocket. “This is a whole new side to you, Elevator Girl.”

“She’s a monster with presents,” Nina said.

I shrugged. “I don’t deny it.”

He tossed me a mini gift bag that weighed next to nothing. “Don’t get your hopes up. It’s homemade and not anything special.”

I tipped the bag over, and a bracelet made of knotted rainbow thread spilled out. Flattening it on the table, I examined it, and quickly realized the colors weren’t a random pattern at all. Ben had made me an intricate friendship bracelet with “EG” woven in black thread through the vibrant colors.

I held my wrist out to Jude. “Will you put this on me?”

“You like it?” Ben asked.

“I’m never taking it off. It’s going right next to my other bracelet. You made this?”

He flashed me a crooked smile. “Yep. Putting my summer camp skills to good use.”