There was another pause where Jude breathed heavily into the phone. “Would you?”

The way he asked it made my breath catch.

“I want to see you on stage again. And I want to hear you call me your girl in person.”

“All of that can be arranged, Stripes.”

“Send me your picture,” I said.

“Are you going to show me off?”

“Probably. I’m pretty sure half my old friends think I made you up.Why yes, I have a rock star boyfriend, but he lives in Canada and you’ll never meet him, but yes, he’s really real.”

He let out a slow, tumbling laugh. “I’ll send you one later. It’ll be one of our publicity pictures, so it’ll be really convincing.”

I laughed into my pillow and smiled for the rest of the day. Especially when I opened an email to find one from Jude with a picture attached. It was him holding up a piece of paper that said, “I heart Tali Stripes.”

God, I was starting to heart him too.

* * *


Can’t believe I haven’t seen your face in four weeks. You think it’s going to be natural when we’re back together, or are you going to be all shy like that first day?

Gotta say, I’m not sure which one I’m pulling for most. Shy Tali is something to behold.

I worked an Ani DiFranco show last night. Her music is cool as hell, and the crowd is really chill. It was an easy night. You ever listen to Ani? Probably not. You’re a little more hardcore than that.

I’m going to call you later but email me back anyway. I like to see your name in my inbox.



Hey Jude,

I don’t know how I’m going to feel when I see you. Right now, when I think about it, I feel a little barf-y. Let’s just hope that feeling passes before I’m in your presence.

And now you’re running scared, huh?

My parents complained I was moping when I first got home, and now they’re complaining that I won’t sit still.

Glad you had an easy night. And I’d have to hand in my girl card if I didn’t listen to Ani DiFranco. I’m a little jealous right now. You get to see so many sick shows. Think they’re hiring? I’m tougher than I look. I could bounce troublemakers right outta there.

Can’t wait to hear your voice.


My dad stuckhis head in my room just as I was shutting down my computer. “Come out to the garage with me, Tals?”

I hopped up from my seat. “Did you get it?”

He flashed a crooked grin. “What do you think?”

I was right on his heels, following him to our spot in the garage. He’d told me he had the guys at his favorite vinyl shop order me a record but wouldn’t spill what it was. My dad’s record player gave any music the purest, warmest tone, and I was giddy with excitement—almost as giddy as I was to see Jude next week. I wasn’t the type of girl who got giddy often, but music usually got me there. For Jude to be at the same level as a new record said something. It said a whole lot.

My spot in the garage was a yellow lawn chair with a permanent indentation from my butt. Dad had an identical chair with his own indentation. I took my seat while he held the record behind his back.