“What if I don’t want to stir things up?”

Nina pushed my shoulder. “Just kiss him.”

I sighed. “Fine, but no groping. And if things get weird, I want you to remember you asked for this.”

Tino held out his arms, and I climbed into his lap, straddling his legs while staying well away from his crotch. He reached for me, weaving his fingers through my hair, and I cupped his face, smiling at the man who was quickly becoming irreplaceable to me.

Our lips met in a tentative brush, and I almost started laughing, because this wasTino, but then he pulled me against him and groaned into my mouth. His lips were soft and warm, and they slanted over mine with masculine assurance. He might not have liked kissing, but he sure as hell knew what he was doing.

Despite myself, I melted against him, parting my lips to let his tongue sweep inside. Tino’s fingers tightened in my hair, and another groan escaped when our tongues met, sliding into a sensual dance.

Breathless, I tore my mouth away and rested my forehead against his. “Whoa,” I whispered.

“The Kinsey Scale is real,” Tino rasped. “That was hotter than I expected.”

Nina fanned her face. “Uh, yeah. I was expecting clothes to start flying any second.”

I sat back on Tino’s knees and grinned with swollen lips. “I guess wecouldmake a baby if we get to like thirty and we’re still single.”

His hands slid up to my waist, gripping me there. “My preferences will always lie with my own sex, but Idolike the taste of your lips, my beautiful Tali.”

I laughed, flopping onto the couch next to him. “Told you kissing was the best.”

Tino pulled my foot into his lap and tickled me until I nearly kicked him in the face. “I don’t think I’m convinced.” He turned to Nina. “Convince me?”

She sputtered with laughter. “No, dude. So not happening.”

Thank god making out with Tino hadn’t made anything weird. We had dinner and talked trash about some of his neighbors, which landed us on the topic of Jude.

“I meant to ask, do you have his phone number?”

Tino looked at me like I’d grown three heads. “Not for you, I don’t.”

“You can’t act like my dad when you’ve had your tongue in my mouth.”

He leaned back in his chair, doing his casual Tino slouch. “Oh, I see. You’re going to use that forever now, aren’t you? Because I seem to remember your tongue being inmymouth as well. So, I’ll be using it too. Tali, I will not be giving you Jude’s number, because that boy is trouble with a capital T, and I don’t want the girl who had her tongue in my mouth mixed up with a boy like that.”

Nina threw her fork down. “You guys are both weirdos, and I, for one, would never like to hear about that kiss again. However, I happen to know Tali wants to talk to Jude about something music-related, not about his dick. Iaminterested in knowing what makes him trouble, though.”

Tino crossed his arms, his face a locked vault. “You’re not getting it from me.”

“Fine.” I stood from my chair, more annoyed than angry. “I’ll ask Ben. We’d better go. Finals are around the corner and I need to get organized.”

Nina stood too, carrying her plate into the kitchen. “Finals are inthreeweeks, Tals. You can’t use them as an excuse yet.”

I grinned as I rinsed my plate. “I can and I will.”

Tino came up behind me, curling his arms around my waist and laying his head on mine. “Don’t be mad at me. I’d die of heartbreak if you were mad at me. I only want the best for you.”

I turned in his arms, wrapping mine loosely around his waist. “I’m not mad. But I’ve done the thing where people take my decisions from me, and I do not appreciate it. I don’t need more parents. The two I have are enough.”

He kissed my forehead. “See you soon?”

I relented, because he was Tino. Loving, happy, stubborn, and closed off as hell Tino. If he didn’t want me talking to Jude, he wasn’t going to change his mind.

As soon as we hit the sidewalk to start our walk to campus, Nina snorted. I glanced at her, and she covered her mouth, laughter spilled from her pinched lips.

“Shut up!” I yelled, marching ahead of her.