I winced. “I know. I’d never call a girl slutty. Sorry, honey.”

He swatted my arm. “I jest, Tali. I am extremely slutty, though I prefer to think of myself as magnanimous with my dick.”

This time, Nina rolled her eyes. “Yes, Tino, it’s so generous of you to let dudes suck you off.”

He winked at her. “Glad you agree.”

She picked at the label on her beer bottle. “I think I’m going to go out with Laura’s friend, Heather. I really don’t want to die a virgin.”

This time, Tino really was scandalized. “What the fuck? Is being a virgin even still a thing?”

In unison, Nina and I both said, “Yes.”

Tino truly was scandalized. He was almost purple.

“What is happening in New York?” he choked out.

“Is it really out of the realm of possibility that two good Italian Catholic girls would be virgins at nineteen?” Nina asked.

Tino crossed his arms over his chest. “How far?”

My eyebrows pulled together. “How far what?”

“How far have you gone?” he clarified.

“Everything but,” I said.

“Sucked a cock?”

My cheeks had to be flaming. There were some topics I was shy about—and sex was one of them. At least, my own sex. I could talk about other people’s all day.

“Tino...I’d like to maintain an air of mystery,” I replied.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head. “I fucking love you, Tals.”

I curled both arms around his neck. “Love you too, Augustino.”

When he let me go, he trained his eyes on my cousin. “Now, tell me about you, my sweet little lesbian. What evenarethe bases when it’s two women?”

Nina didn’t share my shyness. “I’m not well versed on the bases. All I can say is there’s been some kissing and under the clothes action, but no penetration or oral, sadly.”

I turned to her. “What were you doing with Jenny Barbarina all those times you snuck into the maintenance closet?”

“Making out for hours. God, that girl could kiss.” Nina’s eyes went cloudy at the memory.

“I don’t care for kissing,” Tino declared.

I gaped at him. “How can you not?”

He shrugged. “Why waste time?”

“Oh, Tino. You’re missing out.” My hand went to my throat when I thought of my last really good kiss. Sal Solvino at prom. We’d kissed under the sparkle lights while slow dancing to Coldplay. There’d been others after him, but that kiss had been magic.

“Show me,” he said.

“You want me to kiss you?” I asked.

He leaned back on the cushion behind him, tapping his long fingers on his stomach. “Yes. Let’s see if you stir up any repressed heterosexuality.”