“Thank you,” I murmured.

I pushed the button for the lobby and pressed myself against the wall. The two guys stepped on after me, giving me a wide berth.

“Hey,” said Blue Eyes.

I looked up from the spot I’d been studying on the floor. “Hey.”

“How’s your day going?”

“So far, so good.”

What the hell? Why do I sound like a character fromLeave it to Beaver? Not cool, Tali, not cool at all.

Probably because the two men—definitelynotboys—facing me were the most enticing male specimens I’d ever shared space with. Both were well over six feet tall. Blue Eyes was lanky, with shaggy, dirty blond hair and a little soul patch under his smiling lips. The other one, Hazel Eyes, was darker and more scowly. His black hair flopped over one eye, and his teeth bit his bottom lip as he drank me in.

My pulse quickened at his intense perusal. Why was this elevator so slow?

“You live here?” Blue Eyes asked.

I nodded. “Just moved in today.”


“No. I’m a sophomore.” I sounded like a damn mouse, all quiet and squeaky.

“I’m Ben,” he said.

“Nice to meet you,” I replied.

He chuckled as the elevator door slid open. “You too, pretty.”

I practically ran out of the box of awkwardness, coming to a halt when I heard, “Hey, White Stripes.”

I swiveled around and found Hazel Eyes right behind me, holding out a beaded bracelet.

“This is for you. It glows, so it’ll keep you safe in the dark.” His eyes locked onto mine for a drawn-out moment. “Can’t have you scared, now can we?”

My soul left my body, came back, and left again. “Thank you,” I squeezed out.

He chuckled, then picked up my limp hand and closed it around the bracelet. “You’re really fucking cute, you know that?”

My eyes went wide. I shook my head, stuck on mute.

He smiled down at the ground, causing more of his silky hair to flop in his face. “See you around, White Stripes.”

With that, he and Ben sauntered out of the dorm, leaving me standing there like a gaping fish.

Those were not like the boys I grew up with. Those were confident, swaggering men who gave awkward girls glow-in-the-dark bracelets just to see them blush.

Holy shit, I was not ready for men like that.