
School was...alot. It was only my second day of classes, and I was already overwhelmed. Coming from a small town and going to school with the same kids my whole life to sharing a lecture hall with five hundred students was a huge transition, one I hadn’t prepared for.

The seats around me filled in, but the one next to me stayed open.

“This seat free?” asked a male voice.

Without looking up, I nodded enthusiastically. “It’s yours.”

I glanced over as he got settled and had to stifle a laugh. “Ben!”

He seemed as startled as I was. “Elevator Girl! What the hell?”

“How do I keep running into you on this giant campus?”

He gave me one of his show-stopping smiles. “Must be fate. I shouldn’t be surprised you’re taking The Impact of Music on Life.”

“I’m surprised you are,” I said. “Are you a music major?”

“Nope. Elementary Ed. This is one of my core requirements. Arts and Humanities. Sounded interesting, and you know, I think it might be.”

I covered my heart with my hand. “You’re going to be an elementary school teacher?”

“That’s the plan. You?”

“Business management, and a minor in music.”

His eyes narrowed on the beaded bracelet around my wrist. “Still wearing that thing?”

I held my hand out, shaking the bracelet. “I am. I think it might be my talisman.”

He looped his finger under the beads and stretched out the elastic, then let it snap back, slapping my wrist. I winced, and his eyes widened. “Shit, sorry. I didn’t think that would hurt.”

I snatched my hand away and rubbed my skin. “I think I’ll survive.”

We fell quiet for a minute, and I rolled one of my pens under my palm. Ben jerked his chin toward my desk. “So, you’re super organized, huh?”

Laughing, I attempted to cover my setup. “Don’t mock me.” I had two notebooks, two sharpened pencils, a blue pen, a red pen, and two highlighters all in straight lines. “I know how I work best. I like my things neat and orderly. It’s the only way I can think.”

“I’m definitely not judging. Everyone’s got their process. I study for tests by taking my roommate’s Ritalin, mainlining donuts and coffee, and cramming an entire semester’s worth of notes into my brain about twelve hours before I have to take it.”

I held my hand out, wobbling it back and forth. “You’re giving me the shakes. Remind me to never be study buddies with you.”

He clutched his chest and flopped back in his chair. “You’re breakin’ my heart, Tali. For you, I’d start studying eighteen hours ahead of the test.”

NowIflopped in my chair. “I’m dead. You’ve killed me with your severe procrastination.”

Ben chuckled and leaned over, his blue eyes light and glittering. “I’ve maintained a 3.5 GPA. School is my bitch.”

I wrinkled my nose. “Oh god, I hate that word.”


I bumped his shoulder with mine. “Lose the casual misogyny, Ben. It isn’t charming.”

His grin widened. “You’re really intense.”

My lips pressed together to hold back a snort. Ben was too adorable to scold. I probably shouldn’t have been scolding him anyway, but derogatory language toward women was my biggest pet peeve.