“Positive. I could use the fresh air.”

She kept chewing on her lip while she stared at me. The longer she stared, the wider I smiled.

Suddenly, I wasn’t really that tired. Ben had gone home with one of his regular hook- ups—something I’d rather avoid hearing when I wasn’t getting some of my own—and a big part of me was dying to see if I could get this girl to blush again.

She moved closer, hanging onto the porch railing. “I’m just a little bit drunk right now.”

“Me too, Stripes. Glad I’m in good company.”

Tali clomped down the stairs in platform boots, wobbling when she got to the bottom. When she didn’t fall, she pumped her fist in the air, and whispered, “Yes!” Girl was cute as fuck and made my chest all fuzzy.

Under each streetlight we passed, I glanced at her. Sometimes she glanced back, other times, her full concentration was on putting one foot in front of the other.

“Did you have fun tonight?” I asked.

She let out a long groan. “So much. It’s only my first day, and already, the bar has been setsohigh. How am I going to top this?”

“What was your favorite part?”

Her eyes closed, and a smile curled her lips. I should’ve told her to stop, but I was just as drunk as she was, and walking with her eyes shut seemed like an okay idea.

“The music. The music was definitely my favorite part.” The streetlight reflected off her gleaming eyes when they snapped open. “Yourmusic. Do you play shows? Real shows? I hope so. You shouldn’t be hiding at college parties.”

“I didn’t know I was hiding.”

Her warm hand closed around my forearm. “Do you? Play shows? I mean, at real venues.”

“Yeah, Tali. We play at real venues.”

“You called me Tali.” Her fingers dug into my arm.

I cocked my head. “Did I get your name wrong?”

“No. You got it right, but this was the first time you used it.”

My mouth twitched. “We just met today.”

“Technically yesterday.”

“Okay, technically yesterday. And I don’t recall you using my name.” I stopped walking, and she spun around to face me with an expectant look. “Do you even know my name?”

Her lips parted in an O. “Of course I do. Would I let someone walk me back to campus without knowing their name?”

“I don’t know, would you?”

Her hand dropped from my arm, but I caught it and toyed with her fingertips while I waited for her answer, trying not to be insulted that she didn’t know my name.

Eyes narrowed, she put her hand on her hip. “Is this a trick?”

I snorted a laugh. “How could it be a trick?”

She stepped closer. “I know your name.”

I tipped my chin, challenging her. “What is it?”

She glanced around, but no one else was on this sidewalk. Just Tali Stripes and me. I rubbed her fingertip between mine. “Tell me, Tali.”

“Hey, Juuuuuuuude,” she warbled.