My beat-up heart became hers as well

Oh yeah, my ol’ ship had already sailed

We’ll find a place in the stars

The blinding light is only ours

Truth is, they might never see

How much this girl means to me

Time and time again, we tried

Who’s to say we’ll get it right this time

Only thing we can do is keep on the tracks

With the sun on our face, the past at our backs

I surrender to your pull

Like the moon calling the ocean

Walk with me and see

If this is how it’s gonna be

I can’t remember why

It ever seemed too hard to try

We’ll find a place in the stars

The blinding light is only ours

Walk with me, girl

Walk with me

I clapped. Because who wouldn’t clap when their boyfriend sang them a song that might possibly be about them? Even if it wasn’t, even if it was simply a generic love song, I still loved it.

“Good?” Alex asked, his hand flat over the strings of his guitar.

“Better than good. You should sing it on the album.”

He puffed out a breath, running his hand over his copper waves. “Nah, boo. It’s a nice thought, but Mo’s the only one who sings on our albums. I’m just hoping he can nail this song so it makes it on there.”

“I disagree.”

Alex smirked, taking my hand in his. “I have no doubt.”

“I think you should talk to Mo about singing...if you want to. I’m not trying to push you into something you’re not comfortable with.”

He chuckled lightly. “Look at you, being all considerate, my soft, puppy girlfriend.”

I curled my lip into a snarl, but there was no bite to it. Damn, was I a soft puppy? I definitely felt melty when I looked at Alex these days. And when he put me to bed without getting off. And when he sang me songs on his balcony.

“Maybe.” I shrugged. “Did you write that song about me?”