June gave me a shy smile and a quiet hello before directing her attention back to my niece. Mic and Mo’s usual nanny was bright and bubbly, but June had a nice gentle way about her as she spoke softly to Simone about the sounds animals on a farm made. Simone watched June’s mouth intently, her big brown eyes filled with trust and interest.
“I think my baby has forgotten about me,” I said, propping a hip on the edge of her desk.
Mic snorted. “Girl, she tosses me aside as soon as June enters the room. Between you and me, it’s a good thing June is going back to college in a few weeks, otherwise she might give Leticia a run for her money.”
We both watched Simone practically swoon over June’s expert clucking sounds, and to tell the truth, I was sort of mesmerized too.
Shaking myself, I tapped on Mic’s desk. “How’s day one going?”
“I’ve tried to stay away to give them space, but I keep peeking into the studio. Mo was giddy to get in there, and the rest of them seem just as bouncy and invigorated.” She pressed her fingers against the back of my hand. “Now that we got that out of the way, tell me about your weekend. Mo and I placed bets on Murray coming back with a black eye or fat lip.”
I smirked. “Who won?”
Mic tossed her twists behind her shoulder and shimmied. “Your girl right here. I had no doubt if you needed to get rough, you wouldn’t leave marks.”
I barked out a laugh. “Thanks for your faith in me. I snatch one bitch by the hair and suddenly I’ve got a reputation. I’m a lover, not a fighter.”
Both her brows shot up, and her lips pursed. “Are you seriously telling me you’ve never gotten physical with anyone else before that chick called me old last year?”
“I am. That’s not to say I wouldn’t throw down in the future if the situation called for it.”
That made her laugh. “Well, I’m relieved the situation didn’t call for it this weekend. But seriously, you and Murray got along?”
This was where I would have liked to tell her what really happened. I was practically bursting with the need to tell someone, but my lips were sealed. I couldn’t ask Michaela not to tell Moses, and I didn’t think she’d keep my secret anyway. Maeve would tell Santi, and that would inevitably get back to Mo, and if I told Haven, she’d be bummed she couldn’t discuss it with Maeve. So here I was, stuck with this news that made me feel like I was glowing on the inside but couldn’t share.
And that sucked. But Alex was right. We needed to make sure we were steady on our feet before we threw a wrench in that might try to topple us.
“We did, for the most part. I got closure with my ex, Alex burned up the dance floor, and no one was maimed or murdered. All in all, a good weekend.”
At least that wasn’t a lie.
Michaela beamed, and at first, I thought it was directed at me, until I heard my brother say, “Hey.” I swiveled around on the desk, grinning as he lifted Simone from June’s lap and then came my way. He planted a kiss on the top of my head and curled his arm around his wife’s waist, tugging her to his side.
“Taking a break?” I asked.
“We are. I thought I might have lunch with my wife and daughter,” Mo answered.
I hopped from the desk, giving Simone’s belly a little tickle, which made her throw her head into Mo’s shoulder, baby giggles muffled in his T-shirt. “Then I’ll give you some privacy.” I turned to June. “Have you checked out the recording studio yet?”
Her round eyes widened. “No, I only just got here with Simone.”
I jerked my head toward the door. “Want to go see where the magic happens?”
“Um...yes, please.” She stood, smoothing her hands over her floral dress, which skimmed the floor with her short stature. “If that’s okay with the Aronsons.”
Mic gave her a soft smile. “Absolutely. Take a break.” She cupped the back of Simone’s curls. “This girl will be ready to go home for her nap in an hour or so, but right now, she’s going to hang out with Mom and Dad.”
June and I walked down the hallway together, anticipation buzzing in my stomach. June told me about her major at NYU, and I tried really hard to listen, but my mind was already ten steps ahead, racing into the recording studio.
“Here we are.” I forced myself to be calm and not yank open the door. Instead, I pulled it open gently, and like the true lady I was pretending to be, I allowed June to enter before me. She hesitated, clearly nervous to meet the rest of the band, but I practically shoved her inside so I could pass her.
Every head swiveled our way when I stumbled into the room, nearly bringing June down in the process. I wasn’t especially graceful, but damn, I wasn’t usually a blundering fool either.
Lunch was piled on a table in the center of the room, the band and producers seated around it. Jimmy, a producer Unrequited most often worked with, hopped up and swept me into a bear hug before I could even get a word out. My eyes landed on Alex’s over Jimmy’s shoulder, and the amusement in his expression had me mentally tripping over my feet. I grinned at him, and he winked right back at me.
Jimmy released me and raked his eyes over me. “Hey, girl.”
Nodding, I took a step back, my arm brushing June’s. “How are you?”