
The first thing Isaw when I cracked my eyes open was Yael curled up on the window seat, her lip wedged between her teeth as she worked on her wire flower. The sun shone on her long, bare legs and glinted off the metal in her hands.

My dick twitched, like it always did around her, but my head was trepidatious. Last night had felt like we’d built a bridge over years of stormy seas, but who knew? With the flick of her fingers, Yael could decide to dissolve it all, leaving us on opposite sides once again.

I decided to be optimistic—best way to start the day. “Morning, boo,” I croaked from a dry throat.

Her head jerked up. “Whoa, shit.” Her eyes darted to the clock, then back to me, her mouth curving. “Good morning, sleepyhead. I was beginning to think I’d have to haul your comatose body back to the city. You sleptsoundly.”

As she spoke, she set her art supplies down and made her way to the bed, crawling across it until she knelt beside me. I gripped her hips, pulling her down on top of me, shooting my shot.

“I feel like I could sleep for about twelve more hours,” I said.

Yael propped herself up on my chest, in no way looking like she was unhappy to be there. My hands skimmed her ass, then slipped beneath her tank top and up the velvet skin of her back.

“Sad we have to go back to reality. Mo would have my hide if I didn’t return you.” She pecked my mouth faster than I could react. “Fingering with you is my favorite way to finger.”

I chuckled, one of my hands traveling down to her butt, then between her legs, trailing over her lacy underwear. “Didn’t I say something eerily similar about bringing you back to Mo in one piece?” I shoved her panties to the side, finding her wet, and easily slid my index finger inside.

She sucked in a breath and rocked with the thrust of my finger. “You can’t talk about my brother while any part of you is inside any part of me. That’s illegal in thirty-seven states and eighteen countries.”

“Only thirty-seven?”

“Draconian laws.” Her voice had dropped and gone breathy while her eyes and cheeks shined so pretty, it made me ache all over. “God, you’re good at this.”

Her hips writhed, and it didn’t take long before her inner walls clamped down on my finger. She came hard and fast, raspy cries falling from her parted lips. And when she came down, the smile on her face sent me tumbling to the bottom of a ravine I’d probably never claw my way out of.

Who the hell was I kidding? This wasn’t brand new. I’d only gotten deeper since we started faking it. And now that we were very possibly doing this thing for real…well, I was so far down, the smile I put on Yael’s face was my only source of light.

“If you were a dude, you’d be so embarrassed right now.” Hell yes, I was deflecting from the well of emotion sloshing around in my chest.

Luckily, I seemed to amuse Yael immensely. “I wouldn’t. I’d tell you to stop being so hot if you want me to control myself.”

I gripped her little ass cheeks, spreading them as I rocked my swollen dick against her. She turned her head to watch what I was doing over her shoulder, then returned her eyes to mine. “Do you have a thing for my butt, Mr. Murray?”

“Yeah, I do.” In one swift motion, I yanked her tank top over her head and sucked her pert nipple between my lips. “I’ve got a thing for all of you, it seems.”

The maid let herself into our room just as we were throwing the last of our clothing into our bags. Yael’s hair dripped down her back, and my shoes were untied, but we busted out of the hotel like we’d robbed the joint, when in reality, we’d defiled the hell out of the shower.

We threw our bags in my trunk, and then I pinned Yael to the side of the car, my hips pressed to hers. Her amused eyes roamed around my face, waiting to see what I’d do. And hell, I didn’t have a plan, I just knew I wasn’t quite ready to leave this place and for it all to end.

“We have to go home at some point,” she said.

“You’re a mind reader.”

“One of my demon powers.” She looped her arms around my neck, bringing me to her level, and slanted her mouth over mine. She kissed me slow and thorough, and I let her take and take until I had no choice but to take some of my own. Gripping the back of her hair, a growl tumbled from my throat as I took her mouth and claimed it as mine.

A throat clearing was the only thing that had us pulling apart. At the trunk of the car parked next to mine stood Harris, disdain written all over his too damn pretty features. Yael whipped around to face him, and my arm automatically banded about her center.

He nodded curtly, slamming the trunk with more force than was strictly required, then ushering his harried-looking girlfriend into the passenger seat. For him to get into his side of the car, he had to pass us. He paused before he opened his door, seeming like he might have something big to say, but instead shook his head.

“Nice to see you again, El. Stay well.”

She responded with a rigid salute. “You too, Har.”

The whole interaction was like a bucket of cold water dumped over my head. After Harris sped off, I let Yael into the car, then climbed in myself, beginning the drive back to the city.

For the first several miles, Yael worked on finding the right music to play. Once she’d settled on a station, she sat sideways in her seat to face me.