I knew what she thought, that we were maybe gonna fuck around when we got back to the room. And I wanted that. She had no idea how much. The thing was, I needed some time, and we needed to talk more before we went there.

“It’s drizzling, and I want to take you on the lake. Humor me?” I gave her my best puppy dog eyes, to which she scoffed.

“Please. Mo has mastered that look. There’s no way you can best him.” She sighed. “But fine. We’ll go fingering.”

Since neither of us had rain gear, after we changed into jeans and T-shirts, I bought us Finger Lakes sweatshirts and bright yellow ponchos from the gift shop in the lobby. Yael bought us both matching neon green bucket hats when I wasn’t looking to complete our ensembles.

“How do you still look good, even when you look stupid?” she asked as we walked along a path toward the lake.

“I was thinking the same thing about you. Only without the stupid, since that’s unkind.”

A laugh burst from her. “I’m wearing a giant poncho and a sweatshirt with a freaking collar. I look a little stupid.”

“Never.” I pulled her to a stop and took her face in my hands. We were both already damp from the misting rain, and she maybe looked a little stupid, but I couldn’t stop from kissing her. I lowered my mouth to hers, and she closed the final distance, crashing into me. Her fingers gripped my poncho as her lips parted for my tongue to caress hers.

I’d kissed Yael a few times over the years, but never like this. There was no sadness or desperation here. It was almost like we were discovering each other for the first time.

Her breath was hot against my lips when I pulled away. “Come on. The lake awaits.”

“I can’t believe you’re making me do this.”

I tucked her hand in mine and shot her a grin. “I can’t believe you’re wearing a sweatshirt with a collar, but here we are.”

She punched me in the arm, then stumbled along with me to the boat rental, disgruntled mumbles coming from her the whole way. I’d expect nothing less, and it tickled the hell out of me.

It seemed we were the only fools looking to rent a rowboat today. I helped Yael onto the small boat, which tilted back and forth precariously, then situated myself on the bench across from her.

“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” she asked with narrow-eyed suspicion.

“Pretty sure. It’s been a while, so I might be rusty, but here goes nothing.”

She white-knuckled the sides of the boat while I rowed us out into the middle of the deserted lake. Fog grazed the surface, surrounding us. It seemed like the place to stop, right in the center of the dense, wet clouds and glassy water, so I tucked the oars up and leaned forward to grip Yael’s knees.

Her eyes went wide. “Is this where you murder me?”

I laughed until I saw that she was truly frightened. “Shit, Boo, you’re not really scared of me, are you? You gotta know I’d never hurt you.”

Her reply was immediate. “No, no, not you. Never you.” She waved her arm, then quickly gripped the boat again. “I don’t think I’m a big fan of small boats on big lakes in the rain.”

I flipped my palms up. “Give me your hands. Let me make you feel safe.”

She was slow to respond, but finally she laid her chilled hands in mine. I pressed them together and gave her my warmth, kissing her delicate fingertips.

“You want to go back?” I asked.

“No.” She sucked in a breath. “Keep distracting me. And promise me you’ll give up your life to save me. If I drown, you better drown right along with me.”

With a crooked grin, I nodded. “Promise. Don’t think I could go on anyway.”

Yael glanced around us, and it really was like we were in a different, private world. The fog had closed in on us, leaving only a glimmer of the shore visible.

“Hey.” I squeezed her hands, drawing her attention back to me.

“Hey.” Her cheeks twitched, but she didn’t quite smile. From her hold on my hands, she was probably still too scared, even though she was trying to be brave.

“I’ve messed up a lot, Yael. But my only goal was to do right by you.”

She huffed. “Your only goal?”