Her laugh had a bitter tinge to it. “I told you, I had something of an unrequited thing going on back then too.”

With me. Right.

“I shouldn’t have told Harris I saw the two of you together, but I was a jealous bitch.” She went on, her hand flattening on top of mine. “I’m over it now, no worries. My days of pining over straight girls are over.” Her brow pinched. “Well…hopefully. Anyway, I know I was kind of a cunt at the spa and maybe in college, but I just wanted to say I’m happy things worked out. You were always so edgy back then, and you seem...still edgy, but softer. Like you’re not on the lookout for the next attack.”

I had no idea how to respond to that. I wasn’t sure if finding out Alex hadn’t been the one to tell Harris we were together the night of the party really changed things, and I was slightly taken aback to know Arden had been assessing me so closely over the years to form such opinions. But she wasn’t wrong.

She squeezed my hand and moved away without comment. The music changed, slowing, and my gaze returned to Alex. Carefree, dancing like no one was watching, when in reality, a whole lot of people were. A few people had their phones out, videoing him, but it didn’t seem to bother him one bit.

My feelings for Alex had never been binary. This wasn’t something so straightforward as love and hate. No, they were an eternally tangled web. But as I watched him dance, I realized over the past few weeks, I’d started seeing him and how I felt for him in a different light. My guard had lowered little by little, and now, as his copper strands came loose from his low ponytail, all I could think was I would like to be the one to tuck them back behind his ears.

Alex had every reason to hate me, yet he’d come to this wedding with me without any hesitation. So why was I sitting here, letting him dance alone?

A new song came on, and his shoulders sagged just as he mouthed to himself, “T-Swift,” and I knew what I had to do.

I had to dance with this funny, crazy, generous man to his favorite Taylor Swift song.