She rounded on me, her arms crossing beneath her breasts. “Those are the right words, but they couldn’t have sounded less true.”

“They’re true.”

“But not the truth,” she said.

Before I could say anything else, some bro-type in a three-thousand-dollar suit was in my face, pushing a beer bottle into my hand.

“Alex Murray at my wedding. I didn’t believe it until I saw it with my own two eyes.” He glanced at Yael over his shoulder, giving her a barely-there nod.

She nodded back. “Jamie.”

He grabbed my hand, shaking it with moist palms. “Welcome, welcome. I heard you had a girls’ day at the spa.”

I slipped into my easygoing, skater boy mode dudes like this expected. “What can I say? I can’t pass up a mani-pedi. Plus, I heard all the college gossip that my girl had failed to tell me.”

I slid my hand around Yael’s waist again, pulling her into the conversation, much to her displeasure.

Jamie grinned, sipping his beer. “I’m sure you knew Yael had a reputation.” His snicker made me want to punch his weasel face, and I couldn’t say I’d ever punched anyone. This guy just brought out the violence in me.

“Oh?” My brows lifted. “What kind of reputation?”

Yael shifted beside me, and I knew it was on. Groom or not, she wasn’t going to let this guy say something about her and think he had the upper hand.

“I think Alex knows about my tendency to overindulge in both alcohol and men. He’s a rock star, Jamie. If my past debauchery offended him, I’d be seriously surprised.”

She canted her head in question, and I shook mine. “Not offended. I’m glad you lived life the way you wanted. Not many can do that.” I kissed her shoulder again, both for Jamie’s benefit and because I liked the feel of her skin on my lips.

“Hear, hear!” Jamie raised his beer like he’d been making that point all along. “College was all about finding yourself. You find yourself, El?”

“I did. At least enough to know I don’t like being called El,” she answered.

“People do indeed change. I find it hard to believe you and my brother were ever a thing.” Jamie looked her up and down, laughing under his breath. “I never really saw it.”

“Me neither.” I tugged Yael even closer. “Worked out to my advantage, though.”

Jamie’s wide smile couldn’t have been more fake. He had to know what went down to cause Harris to end his relationship with Yael. But something held him back from bringing it up. Hell, maybe it’d been long enough that he didn’t give a shit.

“Hey, any inside scoop on the next Unrequited release? Feels like it’s been years, man,” Jamie asked.

Ahhh, there it was. My fame was what held him back. This guy was a fan.

“Headed back into the studio as soon as we get home,” I answered. “You’ll be getting some new tunes from us soon.”

Pleased he’d gotten “scoop” anyone could find on our social media, Jamie excused himself to go socialize with other guests. We were stopped a few more times by fans, but for the most part, Yael got the attention. A lot of her college friends were here tonight. Each time they approached, I felt her stiffen, her muscles tight under my hand. I would stroke her side, kiss her shoulder, ease her little by little each time.

Finally, an hour into it, I found a quiet spot in a dark corner for us to hide. That Yael came willingly showed how fatigued this whole thing was leaving her.

I pointed to the people milling around, then at the woman in front of me. “Those aren’t your friends.”

“No?” She brought her drink to her lips, sipping steadily. “They were.”

“Are you sure? You didn’t seem very happy to be reunited with any of them.”

“Yeah, well…I’m not here for any of them.”

“You’re not?”

She nudged her loose waves behind her back. “Closure, remember? And Allie. The rest of them can fuck right off.”