Her nose twitched as she stared me down. With a heavy sigh, she swiveled around and walked to the wall of windows, her palms flat on the glass. No choice in the matter, I followed, stopping just behind her. With caution, I brought my hand to her hair, moving it off her shoulder.
“You don’t know anything, Alex.” She said my name low, and my heart soared.
“I know I love you, Yael. That won’t stop. It won’t change. It won’t end. I’ll never hate you again, even if you eat my guts for breakfast and wear my balls as earrings.”
“I’d look damn fine with some ball earrings,” she murmured.
“No doubt, Boo.” I lowered my face to her shoulder, grazing my nose along her dress. “Tell me what you need. Let me make you feel better.”
Her forehead fell on the glass, her breath fogging it. “I need you to stop hurting me.”
“Never, never, never. I will never hurt you again.”
“Even if life is rough and the world is bearing down on us?”
“If that happens, I will cover you. I won’t leave you out in the open. I made a huge mistake, but I can promise you I’ve learned from it.” I touched my lips to the curve of her neck. “I love you. I have loved you so long, it is part of my DNA. I don’t expect forgiveness right now, but I couldn’t go another day without looking you in the eyes and telling you that.”
She turned her face to the side, then rotated her entire body, leaning her back against the glass. “I shouldn’t forgive you.”
“No, that’s true.” We were so close, but I kept myself from touching her.
“Would you forgive me, if I’d done what you did?”
It only took me a second of thinking to answer her. “Yes. I might let you grovel for a while to torture you, but I’d forgive you. That’s me, though, being hopelessly in love with you.”
She pulled her top lip between her teeth and reached for the hem of my shirt, running her thumb nail along the stitching. Her eyes flicked to mine. “I’m hopelessly in love with you too. These days, it hurts to be angry with you, and I am the first one to understand running because you’re afraid. I have run from you more than once out of fear. You’ve forgiven me for that, so I forgive you too. But…” she yanked me closer, “this is a one-time thing. Iwillhave my ball earrings if anything like this happens again. I won’t survive it, and you shouldn’t either.”
“Boo,” I brought my hands to her face, “if I ever lose my mind like that again, please put me out of my misery.” A tear slipped from the corner of my eye. “Allow me to be a greedy bastard and request you repeat the part about loving me.”
She covered my hands with hers. “I love you, Alex. I do. You’re everything I want too.”
“Yael…” I breathed her name against her lips. “Can I—” Her mouth met mine, soft and delicate and so damn sweet, my knees almost buckled. I wrapped my arms around her like I’d been wanting to for weeks, lifting her off the floor.
With our mouths fused, I carried her to the closest armchair, sitting with her in my lap. She told me she loved me as she kissed me, and it resonated in the pits of my soul. The truth of it clung to my marrow, becoming part of me.
I had her. I did the impossible and caught my nightmare demon. My sweet monster was mine to keep.
She lifted my shirt, and I tugged off her dress. She unhooked her bra, and I took her beaded nipples into my mouth. Her hands caught my hair, and mine squeezed her hips. Her core rocked over me, and my erection pressed up into her.
“Alex.” Her eyes opened, and for the nine-hundredth time in my life, I was reminded what true beauty was. Pink cheeks, tousled hair, sharp lines, soft lips. “I’ve missed you so much.”
I shook my head, my hands skimming from her breasts to her ribs. “That’s too fucking long apart, Boo. We’re never doing that again.”
She slipped her panties down her legs while I worked my jeans off my hips. With nothing left between us, no clothes, no anger, no barriers, she took me inside her. She rose and fell slowly, her hands braced on my shoulders.
My head fell back against the cushion, watching her move over me. A wave of rightness slammed into me. This was it—the right place, the right time. The circle had been completed.
“I could be sitting by the pool, having you for the first time.” My palms slid along the curve of her hips to the soft underside of her ass, gripping her firmly.
Her lips quirked as she sighed. “Maybe you’ll last a little longer.”
“I really fucking doubt it. Not with how good you feel and how long it’s been. I’m so lost in you, Yael.”
She leaned forward, brushing her lips along mine. “Then we’re lost together, Alex.”
We stayed lost for a long time, touching and loving, remembering and forgetting. She rose for me, and I fell for her. Again and again, I tumbled head over feet.