
Alex loved me.

Alex Murray loved me.

He loved me so much, he told me without giving me any warning it was coming. He was only the second man who wasn’t a relative to tell me he loved me. The first walked out without ever looking back. My first experience of being loved had tarnished me for my second experience.

The first time, I’d practically yelled “I love you” back at Harris. The second time, I couldn’t get the words to form in my mind, let alone on my tongue.

I knew it bothered him, though he didn’t show it. I think he also knew my feelings took time to form, evolve, and eventually come to fruition. I hadn’t always been that way, but I’d had too much practice hiding my heart to easily give it up anymore.

With my laptop bag slung over my shoulder, I rode the elevator up to the studio, bouncing on my toes with excitement at getting to see Alex record his song. I’d have to school my reactions when I went in, but for now, I couldn’t contain myself. Mostly because it was Alex, but partially because Unrequited made outstanding music and I was always eager to hear it.

When I stepped off the elevator, I nearly tripped over June, who paced back and forth in the small vestibule.

“Hey, girl,” I greeted. “Are you leaving?”

“Hey.” She smiled and pushed up her glasses. “No. Michaela has Simone, so she told me I could go into the studio to watch them record for a bit. Idowant to. Badly. But once I got down here, I couldn’t bring myself to go in the room alone.”

“Ah, I get it. It’s an intimidating room.” I slipped my arm through hers. “Good thing I’m here then—since that’s exactly where I’m headed. Shall we?”

Her entire being sagged with relief. “Thank you. Please don’t think I’m usually this strange.”

“I don’t find anything about you strange. If I hadn’t known these guys for years, I would be just as nervous.”

“You get nervous? But you seem so confident.”

“That’s because we’re on my turf and I have perfected my blasé, don’t-give-a-damn attitude.” I reached for the door, pausing before opening it. “Ready?”

She sucked in a deep breath and smoothed the full skirt of her floral dress. “I am.”

We quietly slipped into the studio, finding most of the band sitting around, their eyes on the man behind the glass. Alex’s eyes were closed, his hands shoved into his pockets as he wailed the chorus. Without taking my eyes off him, I took a seat beside Mo. He nodded in acknowledgment, but didn’t take his eyes off Alex either.

When the chorus came to an end, the room took a collective breath. Jimmy, who was seated at the console, swiveled around in his chair and slipped off his headphones.

“Tight, right?” He beamed at Mo, and when he noticed I was now beside him, his smile grew ever wider. “What’s up, Yael? You here for the magic?”

“I am.” My eyes flicked to Alex’s. He’d found me, and the barely-there secret smile he shot at me through the glass landed directly in the endless well of feelings I had been collecting from the first time we’d met.

Mo threw his arm around my shoulder, pulling my attention back to him. “I have to admit, my sister was right. Murray was the only one who could sing this. I just wasn’t getting the feeling, but he’s nailed it.”

“That’s why you should always listen to me, Moses. I thought you knew that by now.”

“I’ll listen to you,” Jimmy said, waggling his eyebrows in an attempt at being charming. Objectively, he was handsome, but he did nothing for me.

“Aren’t you supposed to be working?” I nodded at the console behind him.

He chuckled. “That I am.” He patted the empty chair beside him. “Want to hang out over here and get a closer look?”

I glanced at Alex again, and found he’d never looked away. The pull between us had me rising to my feet and walking to the seat beside Jimmy. He handed me a pair of headphones so Alex’s voice would stream directly into my ears.

“Hi, Cool Girl,” he said.

“Hi yourself,” I answered back through the microphone. “Moses has admitted I am a musical genius who should be bowed down to.”

Alex laughed, while behind me, my brother called out, “That isnotwhat I said!”.

I nodded and rolled my eyes at Alex. “Sure it isn’t.”