“I’m beginning to think it is.”

“Just beginning?”

Sighing, I flicked my eyes up to his. “Beginning to admit.”

He grinned and pulled out his phone. “Let’s take a pic for sosh meeds then. Our fans want more of our fake relationship.”

I poked his arm. “One, I thought we agreed never to say sosh meeds again. Two, I need to put on my lipstick before I’m in any pictures.”

His hand came up to the side of my neck, and he tilted his head as his eyes landed on my mouth. “No lipstick yet?”

“No, not yet.”

“So, does that mean I can do this?” He moved slowly, I guessed to give me time to protest, but I didn’t. When his lips brushed over mine, I leaned into him, seeking more.

“Sure, you could do that if you wanted.” My eyes fluttered. My heart pounded. Alex was being sweet, and I was being sweet back. This was not what we did. We weren’t sweet to each other.

Only, we were. He kissed me again, and it was the sweetest kiss I’d ever had. His lips were cotton candy, but I was the one melting. He kept it light and gentle, brushes and sweeps, and though my instinct was to claw at him and demand more, I stayed in the moment and took what he gave.

Alex pulled away and swiped his thumb across my bottom lip. “That was nice.”

“Yeah,” I said with a little laugh. “It was.”

He swatted my butt and smiled at me with a deep, deep affection. “Put your lipstick on so we can do the sosh meeds thing.”

I wagged my finger at him. “The kiss was nice, but not so nice I’m going to accept sosh meeds. Stop trying to make it happen.”

Alex simply winked and pecked my fingertip. “Lipstick, Boo.”

Eventually, we made it out of our hotel room, and when he wrapped his hand around my waist, it didn’t feel so fake anymore. We took another picture in the elevator, and Alex said it was for his own personal collection.

The wedding took place in a glass-enclosed room with a view of the lake and the flaming trees behind. Rain pitter-pattered on the roof, creating a soft light in the room. Honestly, it was pretty romantic.

“They say rain is good luck on your wedding day. I don’t think I’d mind it so much,” Alex said as we took seats near the back.

“Allie’s probably throwing a fit since rain isn’t part of her wedding plans, but I love it. It’s cozy.”

“We’re agreeing on something?”

“I think we agree on a lot. We just disagree on a lot too.”

“Do we?” He turned to look at me. “Or do we just get off on the push and pull?”

Without intending to do so, I leaned into him. I’d been finding myself doing it a lot recently. “I get you off?”

“Come off it. False modesty isn’t a cute look.”

“Shush, Alex.” I pinched his smirking lips between my fingers. “I’m only coming around to liking you. Don’t ruin it.”

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and yanked me against him, pressing a rough kiss to my forehead. “I got you, boo. I’ll be as good as you want me to be.”

“Which is not very good at all.”

In the span of a day, Alex and I had gone from bickering to flirting, and though it was disconcerting, I liked it. The constant niggling in the back of my mind that was my war with Alex had eased and been replaced by a slithering snake of want along with a warm blanket of affection.

The wedding was lovely, of course. Allie wore a beautiful princess gown, and her happiness radiated. Jamie, the douche, looked like he’d won the prize and he knew it. I hoped he kept looking at her like that forever, and she, him. Even douches needed love.

Harris stood up with his brother, and twice during the ceremony, his eyes roamed to mine. Alex noticed too, from the way his hand claimed my thigh and squeezed.