“We didn’t decide weweren’ttelling anyone.”

“It was implied,” I gritted out.

Santi folded his hands on the table. “Does Mo know about this?”

“I can’t picture him approvin’,” Maeve said, laying her hand atop Santi’s.

“Good thing his opinion doesn’t matter,” I countered.

She stared me down, her lips pursed into a sour heart. In the span of a few seconds, we shared an entire conversation, all while Alex’s hand crept back onto my leg.


Yes, really.

Your brother is your bestie. His opinion matters.

What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

You think he won’t find out?

If I’m lucky.

When have you ever been lucky?

There was that one time...

“I’m a perfect gentleman. I haven’t even asked Yael to see her tits,” Alex said, breaking our mental back and forth.

Maeve fluffed her long hair. “I’m honored to be the only one.”

When Santi grumbled, Alex held up his hands. “Hey, I haven’t tried to get a peek since you got with big man. Don’t get my ass kicked, Mae-Mae.”

She tapped the little heart beside her eye, then pointed to Alex’s matching one. “Cupid Crips for life, baby. I’d never let you get your ass kicked.” They’d been drawing little hearts by their eyes since Maeve joined the band, and even though I rarely found many things sweet and my heart was mostly immune from warming, their friendship was one of the exceptions that managed to penetrate my shell.

Alex’s hand was back on my leg, and I’d decided to quit fighting him off. Maybe the beer had gotten to me, but I didn’t think it was worth the effort.

“Will Mo really care? It’s not like this is real, right?” Haven gave me the most pointed look.

I passed my bottle from hand to hand. “Moses is very protective of the band. He’s very against anything he thinks will cause an upheaval in the tight bond between the four of them.”

“He’s very protective ofyou,” Alex said, leaning his head on his fist, his copper hair curtaining behind him.

I shrugged. “Maybe. But in this case, I think he’d be more afraid of me eviscerating you than you causing me any damage.” Once upon a time, he’d told me as much. “All of this is moot. Moses doesn’t need to know. I’ll tell him after.”

“Seems unwise,” Santi said.

Maeve nodded. “I smell disaster from a mile away.”

That made Alex smirk. “That’s because Yael is involved.”

I poked at his bicep. “You didn’t have to say yes. You can still back out if this is so painful for you.”

“I’m keeping my word.” Alex sounded resolute, and I believed him. He was a lot of things, some good, a lot bad, but he generally said what he meant.

“Well,” Maeve clapped her hands, “I’m going to be needin’ to receive regular updates to make sure y’all don’t murder each other, all right?”

Alex laid his hand over his heart. “Until my dying breath, I promise.”