“You couldn’t work a desk job either, Alex. Don’t even play.”

“No, you’re right.” I swiped my thumb under my eye to wipe it dry. “My ass would be written up for skateboarding through the halls. Karen never lets us have any fun. She even cancelled our monthly birthday cakes. Who wants to work in an office without birthday cakes?”

Yael finally cracked a smile. “By the way, on the RSVP card for the wedding, I said you’d like the crab cakes...with a side of lobster and shrimp.”

My gaze narrowed in mock anger. “Obvious choice, considering my shellfish allergy.”

Her hand fluttered to her chest. “Oh, are you allergic to shellfish? Silly me, I completely forgot.”

I leaned forward, elbows on my knees. “I knew you disliked me, but wishing me dead? I hadn’t realized your animosity had grown so strong.”

She sighed, her eyes rolling up. “I don’t wish you dead exactly, but a coma wouldn’t be out of the question. We’d all get a little peace. It’s truly a win-win.”

I cocked my head. “Do you think coma-sleep is restful? With the insomnia I’ve had lately, a medically induced coma is pretty tempting.”

“I haven’t an inkling.” Her brows pulled together. “Why can’t you sleep? Is your guilty conscience finally catching up to you?”

Worrying about my dad constantly. Keeping that shit tucked inside my impenetrable vault. You. Always you.

“Nah, I have nothing to feel guilty over. My conscience is squeaky clean.”

That had her brows shooting up. “Really? Does Hot Ass know about Long Braid? What about Yellow Shoes?”

Some sick part of me was pleased to know how closely Yael had been monitoring the comings and goings of my apartment. Another part of me was just sick.

“You really keep tabs on me, don’t you?” I asked, deflecting.

“As if you don’t tell my brother about every little thing you seemedoing.” Not everything. Mo did not need to be aware of just how...popular his sister was sometimes. “Besides, if you didn’t want an audience to your little show, you wouldn’t have bought the apartment across from mine.” Any inkling of warmth she’d shown since I arrived had seeped right out of her. She was back to being Yael the Ice Queen. And I was honestly too tired to try to chip away her frosty exterior and explain how wrong she was.

The truth was, it didn’t matter to her who I slept with. She’d found an easy place to dig, so she did.

“All right, Cool Girl, I’ve overstayed my welcome.” I stood, but she stayed seated. “You’re wrong about it all, you know, but I don’t think that even matters to you.”

As I walked away, she asked, “What am I wrong about, Alex?”

I waved over my shoulder. “Not important, Yael. Not important.”

As I unlocked my door, Yael spoke from right behind me. “I’m in a foul mood and you were in the wrong place at the right time. Poor you.”

I turned, finding her leaning on her doorjamb, her long, long legs crossed at the ankle. She raised her eyebrows, as if she was waiting for my inevitable forgiveness.

“Is that an apology?” I asked.

“As close as I’ll come,” she admitted.

Shaking my head, I laughed. “Okay.” What else could I say? This was Yael—stubborn, mean, and under my skin until the end of time.

“You can’t be angry with me, Alex. You’re my fake boyfriend, and you fake adore me, even when I’m a cranky-ass bitch.”

I real adore you when I don’t real dislike almost everything about you.

I crossed my arms over my chest, playing along. It was easier and I was tired. “Then as your fake boyfriend, I’m gonna have to ask that my sordid past not be brought up anymore. Since we fake fell in love, you’re the only moon in my sky.”

“That’s a deal.” She held her hand out to shake, and I took it in mine and dipped my head, kissing each of her knuckles. Her gasp was soft, but it buried me like an avalanche. “See you in the morning.”

I closed the door on her, knowing if I didn’t, I’d press my luck by trying to make her gasp again—and there’d be nothing fake about it.