I spent a couple hours with my dad watching a movie and watchinghimuntil he finally broke down and took a heavy-duty painkiller, admitting defeat for the day. As much as I wanted to stay, I knew he’d kick my ass if I did.

When I got back to my place, my muscles were fatigued. I had to drag my carcass down my hallway, and when I got to my door, I couldn’t summon the energy to unlock it. Instead, I went to the door opposite mine and knocked.

Yael answered a few moments later, her phone at her ear, a pencil gripped between her teeth. She waved me inside while continuing her conversation. From my end, it sounded like she was working, setting up an interview for Mo. If whomever she was talking to knew she was only in boxers and a tank top...well, they’d probably be thrilled.

I couldn’t say I wasn’t.

Her little nipples poked at the white fabric, looking like they wanted to break through.

Breasts were my thing. Small, big, in-between, didn’t matter. I liked them, and Yael’s were especially perfect. I tried not to leer, but it was impossible. Luckily, she was too occupied to pay any attention to me.

Sprawled on her couch, my fingers tapping a rhythm on my stomach, I let the sight of Yael being a boss bitch on the phone and sexy and casual in person relax me. Some of the heaviness from my limbs abated, though a heaviness in my gut took over.

My dad was probably right. This was a mistake, and it was gonna hurt in one way or another. Yael and I spent plenty of time together, but not like this. Not alone. And there’d never been a time before this week where I came home from a rough day and knew I’d be welcomed into her place. Hell, I’d never thought of knocking.

She tossed her phone on the table and tucked her pencil behind her ear.

“Hey,” I drawled.

“Hello, Alex. What has brought on this impromptu visit?” She sat on the opposite end of the couch, pulling an oversized pillow onto her criss crossed legs. “If I’d known you were coming, I would have put on a bra. Don’t think I didn’t see you eyeballing my nipples.”

“They’re just poking out. You can’t blame me.”

Back straightened, chin tipped up, Yael’s look was imperious. “Since I haven’t bashed you over the head with this pillow, you can trust I’m not offended.”

I held my hands in a prayer position and raised my eyes to the sky. “Thank Ganesh, tiny baby Jesus, and Freddie Mercury. For once, my mere presence isn’t offensive.”

Now shedidbash me in the head with a pillow. Twice.

“I take it back. I’m completely offended,” she deadpanned.

Rubbing my forehead, I grinned at her. “Thanks for knocking some sense into me. For a second there, I forgot we’re not really friends.”

She brandished her pillow like the weapon it was. “Anytime you need some sense, I’ll gladly do some knocking. Now, what brings you here? Are you injecting me with small doses of you so I’ll become immunized against my will? Because, I have to say, I don’t think it will work.”

Sighing and letting myself sink into the soft cushions of her couch, I shoved my hair off my face. “It would be ingenious if that were my plan, but no dice. I just didn’t feel like going home yet. I figured if I came over here and got abused for a while, I’d be more eager.”

“Don’t you have a parade of women to keep you company? What about the little one with the hot ass climbing all over you last week? She seems lovely. Splendid personality, I’m sure.” Yael batted her lashes, attempting to add sweetness to her venom.

I chuckled and spread my arms out on the back of the couch. “She does have a fine ass, doesn’t she?” That earned me another whack. I cackled and smoothed a hand over my hair. “That’s not very nice, Yael.”

“Did I ever claim to be nice?”

“Never.” Just as a rose wouldn’t be the same without its thorns, Yael wouldn’t be as sweet without her vicious sting. “How was your day going before I so rudely interrupted?”

“Frustrating.” She untucked the pencil from her ear and bit the end of it like a savage tearing at meat. “Moses is a terrible boss. He can’t make up his mind or forgets to tell me about things he needs me to do, so it all piles up at once. If he didn’t pay me far,farmore than I’m worth, I’d walk out on his demanding ass without looking back.”

“I’m surprised you’ve lasted this long,” I said.

Our winces were simultaneous. After the Case of the Misdirected Text, Yael’s job had been a verboten topic. She hadn’t even allowed me to explainwhyI thought she’d be miserable playing her brother’s assistant, and Mo had told me to drop it, so I had. That shit was not my business, though I had a chronic tendency to stick my nose in places it didn’t belong.

“Yes, well, I’mnotsurprised you feel that way. However, almost four years in the position has more than proven your original opinion wrong. Just because I get frustrated with my brother doesn’t mean I’d be any less frustrated with a different job.”

“I can’t picture you at a desk with a real boss.”

She shuddered. “Neither can I. Most likely I’d burn the place down when that bitch, Karen, from HR looked at me cross-eyed.”

“Poor Karen,” I laughed, shaking my head.