Adelaide was a shit texter. I could chat all day. She got bored and wandered away from her phone or started playingCandy Crush, forgetting we were talking. If I called her, she’d talk. But again, she wandered away from her phone, so she didn’t always answer.

A few people joined our group. A lot of girls. One of them sat by me, telling me her name. I forgot it pretty quickly. I was on a mission.

Adelaide’s face popped up on my screen, and something inside me I hadn’t even realized had been close to toppling settled at the sight of her.

“Hey, you.” I had to shout, but who the fuck cared? Baddie was on my screen.

She laughed. “Are you really calling me from a club?”

“Yeah, I am.” I swung the phone around, showing her everything. Rodrigo was across from me, slamming back a shot with a roadie. “Say hi to Adelaide.”

He waved at her. “Hey, Baddie. Adam misses you.”

She was still laughing when I turned her back to me. “Fuck…that laugh. When are you coming to see me?”

“You know when. Two more weeks. I’ll see you in Austin.”

I fell back in my seat. “Yeah, Austin. You gonna wear cowgirl boots?”

The girl beside me leaned in, putting her hand on my chest. “Is that your girlfriend?” she cooed next to my ear.

“That’s Baddie,” I told her.

She giggled, but it wasn’t cute. Not like Adelaide’s. “That’s a funny name.”

Adelaide’s expression sobered. “You’re busy. I’ll let you go.”

“No!” I shrugged the girl off. “No. I want to see you.”

She held her arm out so more of her was on screen. She was in her pajamas, a little tank and shorts. Cute. So fucking cute.

“See me? Us regular people have jobs we have to go to in the morning, so we’re home, ready for bed.”

I shook my head. “There’s nothing regular about you.”

The girl who’d been pawing at me didn’t give up. Her fingers wove through the back of my sweaty-ass hair. It felt nice. So nice, I leaned back for a second and closed my eyes.

“I’m going to go, Adam.”

My eyes flew open, and I jerked my head out of the strange girl’s hands. “No, don’t go. You’re the only one I want to see. I need you.”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re drunk. Pay attention to the hair toucher. She has what you need, I’m sure.”

“No.” My hand balled into a fist, slamming down on my knee. “Don’t hang up if you’re mad at me.”

Her lips pursed, then she shook her head. “I’m not mad. Just…maybe don’t call me when you’re drunk?”

“Yeah.” I hung my heavy head. “Yeah, I won’t call you when I’m drunk. You good, Adelaide? Having a good summer in the city?”

“I’m having a good summer, Adam. Truly counting down the days until I’m on a plane to Texas.”

“I’ll see you soon.”

The moment she started to respond, a plump ass landed in my lap, arms wrapping around my neck. My phone flew out of my hand, landing somewhere on the pitch-black floor.

“I’m a big fan of The Seasons Change.” The owner of the plump ass wiggled, drawing my attention from my lost phone.

“Oh yeah?” I leaned my head back on the bench, eyelids sliding to half-mast. “Tell me your favorite song of ours.”

Her mouth flapped open and closed, open and closed, but nothing came out.

I gripped her hips, pushing her off my dick. “You should get off my lap. And really fucking consider not sitting in another man’s lap uninvited.”

She smiled like maybe I was joking with her. When I didn’t return it, she scrambled to get up. Finally, I wasn’t being pawed at or sat on. If only I could find my phone, I’d call Baddie back. I couldn’t get it up to look for it, though. Then someone handed me a shot.

I’d find it later. I’d call her later. She’d understand.