“Adam…” My throat went so tight, I barely squeezed his name out. “Same goes for you.”

He spun me away from him again, then twirled me until I was dizzy. His grinning face blurred in front of me. I caught myself on his suspenders so I wouldn’t fall on my butt. My heart raced in my chest, not just from the spins, but from the looks he’d been giving me and the things he’d been saying. Maybe it was the romantic environment getting to us both, making us act unlike ourselves. It didn’t matter why. It couldn’t go on.

We spoke at the same time.

“You know, I’m gonna miss—”

“Iris told me you like to have public sex.”

Adam froze. His hold on me slackened, then he took a step back, putting space between us. We weren’t alone. Happy people danced around us, celebrating love. I only hoped no one saw the furious expression directed straight at me.

“Fuck. I’m not talking about that with you, Adelaide. Not here. Not ever. You need to know that. You don’t get that part of my life. Youdon’t.”

His jaw was hard. His eyes glinted with steel. I’d never seen Adam that way. Not once. It tore at me that I’d brought out that side of him.

“That’s fine. We don’t have to. I wish to god I didn’t know that about you.”

That made him flinch, but he didn’t soften. His hands clasped on the top of his head as he stared straight through me. This time when I strode from the dance floor, he let me go.

When he never came back to me, remaining on the opposite side of the courtyard, staying wasn’t an option. I hugged Wren and congratulated Callum. I waved at a few people and got June’s number. Then I took one last glance at Adam. His head was down, arms crossed, jaw solid as stone.

He didn’t even watch me leave.