“Why would anyone tell me otherwise?”

Biting back an evil grin, I shrugged. “You never know.”

He grumbled, then spun me again, giving me a hard yank to splatter against his chest.

“Does Simon look this good in suits? I bet he doesn’t. He’s short, isn’t he? Can you even wear heels when you’re with him?” Adam teased me about Simon. He had from the start, and I couldn’t help thinking there was an edge behind his quips.

I flattened my palms on his shoulders. “He does look good in suits, but no, not as good as you.”

Adam’s chin jutted out, and his chest puffed. “Yeah, that’s right. I hope you tell him that next time you see him.”

“Well, I won’t be seeing him, but if you do, you’re welcome to go for it.”

Adam stopped dancing and stared at me. “You broke up?”

I nodded. “A few days ago.”

His hands were splayed on my waist. They tightened at my answer. “A couple days? And you didn’t tell me?”

“I didn’t want to hear you gloat—and you definitely would have. Besides, it was never serious enough to count as a real breakup.”

His brow lowered. “Did he want to end things?” When I hesitated, Adam rolled his eyes. “I’ll take that as a no. So, you ended things. What was the reason?”

“He…bothered me.”

He snorted. “Tell me what he did tobotheryou.”

I smacked his chest. “If I tell you, you’ll only use it as ammunition and call me shallow.”

“Maybe. When you’re as close to perfect as you are, I have to take what I can get to prove you’re human.”

I scoffed. “Being human is so boring.”

He dug his fingers into my waist. “Tell me what Simon did to turn you off, Goodman—and tell me now.”

I stared at him, stony faced. “I’m not ticklish.”

“Oh no?” His fingers traveled up my ribs, tickling and digging. When I remained unaffected, he scowled. “I’ll find your ticklish spot soon.”

“Never,” I whispered.

He stopped his wicked fingers, sliding them back to my waist. “For real, Adelaide, are you okay? You were seeing that guy for a while.”

“I’m okay. I was never going to go all in with him, so it was time to cut it off.”

“What was the thing that tipped you over?”

He told me he loved me. The sex was terrible.

I couldn’t say that. I’d rather Adam think I was shallow than a stone-cold bitch.

“He continuously wore his T-shirts inside out. It wasn’t a style choice, he was just that absentminded and didn’t notice until I pointed it out. And when I did, he’d look at his shirt, smile, and say, ‘Well, what do you know!’ It was cute the first time, bu—”

Adam blinked slowly. “But it bothered the hell out of you.”

“Wouldn’t it bother you?”

His lids lowered as he leveled me with a steady look. “It would depend on who did it. You? Not much you do bothers me.”