“It means I’m not really going on a date.”

I hit his shoulder with my chin. “Then where are you going?”

He groaned under his breath. “Just out, Goodman.”

Circling to his side, I leaned my hip on the counter. He studied the menu, so I studied his profile. “Why are you being cagey? Are you keeping secrets from me?”

I infused lightness in my accusation, but now I was more than curious. I wanted to know where he was going and why he wasn’t telling me.

“I’m not keeping secrets.” He raised his head. “I don’t owe you answers, Adelaide.Youcame tometonight, remember? I have plans, but I’d like to spend some time with you before I have to leave. Do you want to hang out, or do you want to badger me?”

I held my hands up and took a step back. “At this point, I don’t want to do either. Have fun at your mystery location, Adam. Seriously, I hope it’s great.”

Darting around him, I headed for the door, my stomach twisting. The last thing I wanted to do was fight with Adam after my horror show of a lunch with my dad. Adam was my easy. We got along better than I did with anyone else. We made each other laugh and had gotten comfortable enough to just show up at each other’s door without an invitation. I liked everything about him, but this…this I did not like.

I made it to the door before Adam had his arms around me, dragging me to his living room. He shoved me down on the couch. When I tried to get back up, he sat down beside me and threw his legs across my lap like a safety bar on a roller coaster.

“You’re not walking out of here, Adelaide, so stop trying.”

I slapped at his legs. “I’m mad at you. I don’t want to see you right now. This is not endearing you to me right now.”

He grinned like we weren’t in the middle of a fight. “You know I’m already fully endeared to you.”

“It’s easily undone.” I crossed my arms over my chest. More than mad, I was hurt. If he was dating someone, he should have just told me. I couldn’t come up with anything else he’d want to keep from me.

Sighing, Adam dropped his legs and took my hand. He rubbed his smoothly shaven cheek against my knuckles. His sighs warmed my skin and sent goose bumps racing up the length of my arm.

“Don’t say that, Adelaide. Don’t say it’s easily undone.”

My head fell back on the cushion behind me. Adam twisted his torso to peer down at me. He was looking at me so softly, my anger evaporated. The hurt was still there, but I wasn’t mad.

“Are you seeing someone?” I asked.

His mouth flattened into a straight line. He continued to rub my knuckles on his cheek. It was nice. If I hadn’t just asked him a question, I’d let him keep doing it. But since he was answering me with silence, I tugged my hand from his grasp, holding it in my lap.

Finally, he found his words. “I’m not seeing anyone.”

“So, why are you being secretive? It’s weird. Don’t you see that?”

He rubbed the center of his forehead with two fingers. “I was hoping you’d let it drop.”

“Pffft. Don’t you know me? Besides, I’m not sure many people would hear ‘I’m going out to places I won’t tell you about’ from their friend and just let it drop.”

Blue eyes blazed into mine. His mouth opened then closed. He swiped his lips with the back of his hand.

“I’m going to a private club. A kink club.”

Something soured in my gut. At the same time, I had ten thousand questions that needed to be asked. Adam observed me processing what he’d just said. He must not have liked my expression because he was the one to walk away. He strode toward the kitchen, his hands clasped on top of his head.

“Wainwright.” I followed him, getting in his face, my chest skimming his. “Are you…embarrassed?”

His nose twitched. “No. I’m not embarrassed. I am who I am. I like what I like. But I don’t want you looking at me differently.”

“I’m not. I’m curious, but I’m not judging.” I couldn’t say why my stomach had gone sour though…or why that had been my body’s immediate, visceral response. “You don’t chop off girls’ hair or eat poo, do you?”

His shoulders shook, but he kept his face impassive. “I do, Baddie. I eat poo. It turns me on.”

Wagging a finger at him, I swallowed so I didn’t gag. I’d brought it up, but with my already churning stomach, I’d done myself in.