“I’ve come to see my future bride at work.” Adam crossed his arms, looking far too pleased with himself.

“I don’t think you can be here, honey.” I drizzled acid-laced sugar over every word. Adam lapped it up, chuckling softly and looking at me even softer.

“Nonsense.” Anthony clapped Adam on the shoulder. “Adam Wainwright is always welcome at my shoots. In fact, let’s put on some The Seasons Change to set the mood. What girl doesn’t want to listen to her man’s music while she’s draped in gems?”

Anthony wandered off to change the music. Adam raised a brow at me. “Yeah, baby. What girl?”

“You’re going to be so bored,” I warned. “You should probably just go.”

“Nope.” He stuffed his hands in his pockets. “I don’t ever get bored, but you’re crazy if you think I’d be bored when you’re lying there almost naked, covered in body paint. There’s nothing boring about that.”

True to his word, Adam stuck around. He and Anthony spent some of the time talking, but Adam never once took his eyes off me.

There was a break for lunch, but that only meant a few sips of water for me. I eyed the catering table with envy. I’d eat when the shoot was over. There was not a chance I wanted to be told to suck in my gut after eating a hearty salad or, heaven forbid, a piece of bread.

So, I stood—sitting was out of the question—sipping from a bottle of water while Adam helped himself to the buffet. He joined me and frowned when he saw me without food.

“You’re not eating?”

“Not now. I will later.”

“You have to eat.”

“Later.” I scrunched my nose at him. “You can go, you know.”

“I know that. I’m not going to.” He held a piece of pineapple to my lips. “Eat it, Goodman.”

I shouldn’t have, but my stomach was rumbling and pineapple was my favorite. I parted my lips, and Adam carefully placed the fruit on my tongue.

“How did you find me today?” I asked once I swallowed.

He put another piece of pineapple to my lips, which I reluctantly accepted.

“I made some calls.” He shrugged. “Wanted to see my fiancée in action.”

“Don’t call me that.”

“You are, so I will.” His eyes traveled to my hand. “Where’s your ring?”

“In my bag. I couldn’t wear it for the shoot.”

Two lines formed between his brows. “I don’t like seeing you without it.”

I didn’t know what to do with that, so I took a sip of water instead of replying. Adam fed me several more pieces of pineapple. The makeup artist shot me a dirty look and patted her stomach while I pretended not to notice.

Adam didn’t miss it, though. “Why’s she doing that?” he whispered.

“She’s telling me to stop eating.”

“Fuck her,” he said immediately.

I couldn’t help my giggle. “Yeah, well, I ate an entire jumbo bag of gummy worms while you paced outside my door last night. It’s your fault she’s after me.”

“I didn’t pace. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Really? You’re the one who installed the Ring camera. You should know I have you caught in 4K.”

He raked his fingers through his hair and winced. “Right. So, yeah, I did pace. I was trying to figure out how easily I could break down your door and kidnap you. I decided to play it cool instead.”

“That’s good. I wouldn’t have taken kindly to kidnapping.”

He kind of grunted and offered me a grape. I chewed on it while making eye contact with the makeup artist. She patted her stomach even harder.

Adam was right about one thing.

Fuck her.