I wrote and rewrote my reply. The first one would have gotten the cops called on me. I took my time, but not too long, formulating something that sounded more level headed than I felt.

Little Bird,

We’re in Alabama, making our way into Georgia, then we’ll drive to Florida. I grew up hearing Alabama accents, so in a roundabout way, I feel like I’m home whenever I hear people speaking when we stop.

Karthik Singh sounds like an awful person. It’s a shame you devoted so much time and energy into following him. There had to be a more worthy candidate.

You did say hi.


Dear Callum,

Holy granola! Do you have an Alabama accent?

Karthik Singh is an adequate person. There are probably several girls available to sing his praises. There might have been someone better for me to follow, but you’re right, I was blinded by his pretty eyes. I think next time, I want to be the one who’s followed.

By the way, don’t think I didn’t notice my threat to narc on you to your band improved your response time. Three days...wow, you must have been waiting by your phone for my email. Sad, really.

What part of you is stone cold? Is it just on stage or…?

I hope you’re seeing great things and you’ll tell me all about them next time.

Your constant pen pal,


Little Bird,

How can granola be holy?

I do have an accent. I think. I can go for days without hearing my own voice, but I believe it’s still there.

When you stop shrinking, someone will follow you. Let’s hope it’s someone you want as your shadow.

No threats needed, Little Bird. I told you I like your emails.

We’re in Miami now. It’s hot and loud. Colorful in a way nowhere else is. I like it. We’re staying in a rental apartment attached to a bigger house for three nights. The owner is a tiny old Cuban woman who has plied us with food since we got here. She was trying to speak with me this morning. I didn’t answer her and hurt her feelings. I know that, but I’m not going to do anything about it. That’s me. Stone Cold.

What kind of name is Birdie, anyway?


It was there, in Miami, months after her first email, it really struck me that we were friends. We didn’t know a lot about each other—I’d been purposely keeping my distance from knowing her specific details—but it didn’t matter. I knew this girl, and she knew me.

But hadn’t she known me from the very start?