“Take it easy. We were just talking.”

Callum braced a knee on the bench, right between Benson’s legs, and got even deeper into the other man’s face. “You were touchin’. I know you know better. That woman is mine.Isay who can talk to her.Isay who can touch her.Isay who can look at her. You were not given that privilege.”

Benson stopped struggling and held up placating hands. “You’re right, you’re right. You have a treasure. I messed up.”

Callum grunted in acknowledgment, and in a movement that seemed far too easy, reared back and yanked Benson to his feet. “I’m gonna let go of you, and you’re gonna walk away. You will not look at my woman without my permission. You’ll forget she exists unless I allow you to remember. This isn’t a discussion. We’re done here.” Another tooth-rattling shake. “You feel me, boy?”

“Yeah, shit, I feel you. I hope you feel me when I tell you you’re not welcome at my parties any longer.”

Callum released him with a violent shove. “Don’t need your parties. Got everything I need and more right here in a pretty red dress. Go fuck yourself.”

Benson Martin’s hands balled at his sides. “I liked you a hell of a lot better when you didn’t talk, asshole.” He stormed off, grabbing a statuesque blonde and dragging her along with him toward the exit.

Callum was a stone statue, facing away from me. Just as I’d felt the vibrations in the air when we entered the club, he was disrupting the air with his rage. I stood, walking around to his front and laying a hand on the center of his chest. He stared at me, nostrils flared. I circled my arms around his middle, my head taking the spot my hand had vacated. It took a moment or two, then Callum was holding me tight, bending down to bury his nose in my hair.

“I shouldn’t have left you.”

I shook my head. “I’m fine. I promise. He was creepy, but he didn’t do anything bad.”

“He was touchin’ you. Do you know what I wanted to do when I saw that?”

“No,” I murmured. “I’m okay, baby.”

He went on like he hadn’t heard me. “I would have killed him if I wouldn’t have been taken away from you after.”

That was a scary thought, but I wasn’t afraid of him. “You didn’t, though. I’m safe, and he got the message.”

Cupping my face with both hands, he tilted my head side to side. “You’re okay?”

“Yes, baby. I’m just fine, but I really love knowing you’ll protect me like you do.”

His brow pinched then settled. “I like when you call me baby. No one’s ever done that.”

“Good. That’s my thing for you.” I lifted onto my toes to touch my lips to his. “I’m just as possessive over you, you know.”

His lips twitched. “That isn’t possible, Little Bird. Not possible at all.”

“Watch me the first time a groupie throws her panties at you. I will...talk very sternly to her under my breath.”

That broke him. He laughed and tipped my head back so he could cover my mouth with his in a deep, thorough kiss I felt all the way to my toes. No doubt we were being watched since Callum had made somewhat of a spectacle of us and he was only continuing it, but for once, I didn’t mind.

He pulled back, his gaze searching me. “You want to stay?”

“Yeah, I do.” I smoothed my hands up and down his back. “Do you?”

“Mmm. I have a private room arranged for us.”

“Okay,” I whispered. “Let’s go.”

The room Callum took us to was small and cozy, with a sleek leather couch, low tables, dimly lit sconces on the burgundy walls, and not much else. That was because on the wall facing the couch was a large window, and beyond that window was another room, and in that room was a couple, standing by a bed.

Callum cupped my nape and directed me to the window. “They can’t see us. All they see is a mirror.”

“But they know someone’s watching?”

“Yeah. They get off on it.”

The woman was pretty, with full curves and silky black hair. She was older, maybe in her forties, but well kept. The man was tall, with lean muscles and smooth, bronze skin. He couldn’t have been older than his midtwenties.