“I’m pissed, Wren. I know you’re not gonna let me drag you out of here, so I’m gonna sit here with a hard cock all night until you finally take mercy on me.”

“You’re right, I’m not. But you have meallnight, and you can do anything you want with me...later.”

He stared at me for a long time, his chest rising and falling rapidly. He was hard against my belly. His fingers on my back were digging into my spine. I reached up, stroking his beard the way we both liked. At the last second, he caught my hand and kissed my wrist the way Iloved. Then he took my hand in his and continued leading me into the main area of the club.

“Drink?” Callum asked.

“Yes.” My jitters were flaring high. I needed something to soothe them so I could actually enjoy myself.

Ireallywanted to enjoy myself.

Callum wrapped his arm around my torso, settling his hand just beneath the curve of my breast, and walked me to a table set against a wall. I sat down on the velvet bench, giving me a clear shot of the room. Callum remained standing.

“Stay here, but look around. I’m gonna make arrangements for us and I’ll come back with drinks.” When I licked my lips, he bent down. “Everyone saw you come in with me. They know you’re mine. No one will bother you.”

I nodded, and with one last look, he crossed the room, heading back to the bar.

At second glance, it was obvious this wasn’t any old club. A St. Andrew’s cross took up the center of the small stage at the front of the room. Two men sat at a table, each with women kneeling at their feet. Leather seemed to be the most popular fabric for clothing, lace coming in a close second for the women. And if the visuals hadn’t been enough of a hint to the type of place this was, the stir in the air would have given it away. Nothing overt, there was just a sexual vibe that couldn’t be ignored, like heat waves coming off asphalt.

A silver-haired man approached my table, stopping right in front of me. “I know you,” he announced.

My breath caught in my throat. I knew him too. “Oh, hi. It’s nice to see you.” It really wasn’t. Benson Martin had given me the creeps the first time we met, and that hadn’t waned.

His eyes traveled over me, paying special attention to my breasts, which were pushed up high and on display beneath the deep V of my halter dress.

“Oh, it’s very nice to see you again, peach. You look even more beautiful and ripe than the last time I saw you.” He helped himself to the bench beside me, only leaving a small space between us. “Did Wainwright leave you all alone? In a place like this?”

I tried to scoot away subtly—why I was trying to spare his feelings, I didn’t know, I just was—but he was watching me too closely for me to make a run for it. He hadn’t done anything wrong, I just didn’t love him being there.

“I’m not with Adam.”

“Oh?” He cocked his head. “Who brought you here, beautiful?”

I rubbed my hands on my legs, stopping myself from searching Callum out. If he were anywhere within sight, he’d be beside me, removing Benson from my space.

“My boyfriend.” That was all I was offering.

Benson laughed, his shiny white teeth gleaming even in the dim light. “A taciturn little peach, hmm? I like a woman who keeps things private. I find it freeing.” He draped his arm across the back of the bench, behind my head. “Tell me, what was your favorite part of my party?”

My chin had begun to quiver, but I clamped down on my lip to stop it. I wasn’t afraid of this man, not in this space at least, but I was uncomfortable and had no desire to continue this conversation.

“As you said, I’m private. I’ll keep that between me and my partner.” I barely kept the tremble out of my voice, but I managed.

Benson found me amusing, laughing once again. “I suppose I did.” He dipped his head at the same time his arm came around my shoulder, cupping my bicep. “This boyfriend of yours, does he share? Because I am very much interested in finding out your secrets, peach.”

I shook my head hard. “No, no he doesn’t. I don’t either.”

“Aw, come o—”

Benson was gone before he could complete his cajole. Callum leaned over him, Benson’s shirt in his fist, pressing him into the bench.

“You touchin’ my woman, Martin?” he growled.

“Fuck, Rose, get off me.” Benson Martin tried to push Callum away, but that wasn’t happening.

“What makes you think she wants her hands on you?” He shook Benson hard, until his gleaming white teeth rattled. “Iknowshe told you she was with someone. I didn’t have to hear her to know that’s how this went down.”

Callum’s words were slow, low, and dripping with threat. He hadn’t heard what I’d said to Benson, but he had no doubt in me.