
Ididn’t know what I was more nervous for:spending my first night away from Ezra or spending my first evening inside a sex club with Callum. It was a true toss-up. The insane fact that this was my life and something I was actually contemplating had not escaped me.

Ezra and I had an extra-long snuggle session before he went to bed to make up for the fact that I wouldn’t be home in the morning. Jenny was there, so he really didn’t seem to mind. I was crumbling to pieces…just a little bit.

As I fretted by the front door waiting for Callum to pick me up, Jenny took my hand and slapped it. Not lightly either.

“Relax, Birdie. The world won’t end because you miss a morning with Ezra.”

I huffed and smoothed my hands over my silky red dress. Despite my best efforts to avoid her, Natalie had corralled me during my lunch break and taken me shopping, leaving Marissa to man my desk. Fortunately, it was the one day this week Callum couldn’t meet me. Double fortunate, I found this dress—and it washot.

“I know it won’t. My son will be just fine without me, and I don’t know if that makes this easier or harder.”

Jenny snorted. “He’s not graduating college, babe. You still get to wipe his snotty nose and tie his shoes.”

I laughed. “Thanks for the perspective.” Headlights illuminated the street, stopping in front of our house. “That’s Callum. I’ll see you in the morning. Call me if you need me. I’ll be close and—”

She smacked my butt. “Get out, girl. Don’t come back until at least noon tomorrow.”

I had no choice but to leave when Jenny physically shoved me out the door and slammed it behind me. Seeing Callum on the sidewalk at the bottom of the steps made it that much easier not to turn back.

He took my hand as soon as I was close enough, pulling me into his body and wrapping me tight. I didn’t comment on his leather jacket being too light for the cold. Well, I couldn’t anyway, not with his mouth covering mine so thoroughly. His hands slid into the sides of my coat to my backside, cupping it in his palms and groaning.

“What are you wearing?” He practically grunted at me.

“A dress.”

“I can feel your skin through it, baby. I don’t know if I’m gonna let you out of the car.”

I grinned, pleased with myself, and more than a little turned on. “We have to get in the car before you can trap me in it.”

“First, tell me you’re wearing panties.”

“I’m wearing panties.”

He pulled back to frown down at me. “I don’t believe you.” His hand curved around my ass. “All I feel is you.”

I shrugged. “They’re very small panties.”

He groaned again, gripping my butt hard enough to bruise. “Neither of us are gonna be able to walk by morning.”

I lifted my eyes to his, fluttering my lashes. “Promise?”

“Trouble,” he gritted out. “Nothin’ but trouble.”

Eventually, he let me get in the car, and eventually, we arrived at the club. The outside was nondescript. Nothing boasting sex shows or arrows pointing to the door with the words “Kink Inside” in neon.

Callum held my hand tight as he led me into the club. At first glance, we were entering a high-class bar. Low lighting, plush seating, faint, rhythmic music in the background. The bar occupied one side of the space, and there were several well-dressed patrons around it.

Callum slipped off my jacket and his, handing it over to the coat check. Then he led me a few steps away, stopped, took a step back, and swore under his breath.

Then he swore louder. “Fuck.” His icy eyes were on fire, trailing over my exposed shoulders, my deep cleavage, the red satin of my dress skimming my lower body until it stopped a couple inches above my knees, my sky-high heels and red toenails. I wasn’t always confident, but I knew I looked good tonight.

“I wore this for you,” I purred. Yeah, I purred. Callum brought that out in me.

“I have no words.” He stepped into my space again, drawing me to him with a hard jerk. His lips landed on my shoulder. “Fuck,” he groused.

“You sound grumpy.”