“Are you staying?” she asked.

“Yeah. Maybe you could make me a couple eggs too.”

She reached out and squeezed my hand, giving me a shy, sweet smile. “I think I can handle that. As long as you’re not freaked out about hanging around my kid for a while longer.”

I shook my head. “Not freaked out. Wishin’ I had the freedom to do dirty things to you whenever I want, but no, I’m not freaked out.”

She sputtered a laugh. “Oh my god, the mouth on you.”

I was still tired as hell, regretting I couldn’t take Wren back to bed and fuck her until we were both sore, and unsure what to do with a three-year-old, but I plopped my happy ass down next to Ezra on the couch and watched an episode ofPAW Patrolwith him. He was a talker, that kid, so I really didn’t have to do a lot, which was good. If I’d been called to do much more than watch a TV show, I didn’t know that I could have kept up. I would have tried, though.

But I sat there, with Ezra’s hand on my arm, catching glimpses of Wren’s head as she was busy in the kitchen, and I didn’t resent a single thing about this morning. Well, I could’ve slept a couple more hours. Maybe I was delirious, but even that didn’t seem so bad.

When we were eating buttery eggs and toast, Jenny came down, giving kisses to Wren and Ezra, and shooting me a glare without any heat behind it. She fixed herself coffee and Wren sat beside me, eating her breakfast while keeping an eye on Ezra, who, it appeared, liked to throw his food to the two cats who seemed to have emerged from the ether. Lyle and Lovett. God, even the cats had great names.

Wren squeezed my leg under the table. I looked at her, her kid, and her aunt. This was family. I’d grown up never alone, always surrounded by brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles. It hadn’t felt like this. It’d been strange, unconventional, and sometimes fucked the hell up. Wren’s family wasn’t conventional either. Teen mom, widowed great-aunt, one little boy. That was it, no one else. But it was a whole lot.

As I ate my eggs and listened to Wren and Jenny talk about nothing much but riveting all the same, I thought Wren had better like me, ’cause I liked her, liked her family, and I wasn’t going anywhere.

Night fell, and I was spent. After a sunrise breakfast with Wren and Ezra, I went home to further deal with the shit show of the fight I’d gotten into at the bar. A few blogs were covering the story, and the video was circulating, but it wasn’t huge news. All mypeopleseemed pretty unworried by it. My bloodthirsty manager even seemed a little gleeful about the attention. What mattered to me was keeping Wren safe and her privacy secure. For now, her name was out there, but the buzz was low enough, I wasn’t crazy concerned.

I picked up my phone and sent my girl a text. It’d become our ritual to end our day like this. It didn’t matter that I’d spent the morning at her place, followed by her stopping by to watch me spar with Gregor, and then a visit to the grocery store. I couldn’t get enough of her. Soon, I was going to find a way to have her by my side all the time.

Me:Hi, Little Bird. You in bed?

Wren:Hey. Yep. You know me. Are you?

Me:Yeah. Someone kept me up all night with her demands.

Wren:Don’t blame me for your insatiability!

Me:You think it’s not your fault my dick is constantly rock hard? ’Cause it is.

Wren:Well, it’s mutual. I don’t even want to tell you how many panties you’ve ruined.

Me:Please, tell me. Better yet, give them to me so I can wrap them around my cock when I’m thinking about you.

Wren:Gah! I’m trying to wind down and you’re getting me worked up. No more sex stuff. I’m too tired to get myself off tonight!

Me:Wish I was there, Little Bird. And not just because I would tongue fuck the frustration out of you. I want you in my arms when I’m going to sleep.

Wren:Callum Rose! That isn’t helping…but yeah, I’d like that too. A lot. Let’s give it some time, okay? Then we’ll do that.

Me:Hope you mean both the tongue fucking and the sleeping.

Wren:I absolutely do mean that.

Me:Fuck, Little Bird. You’re too hot. Drive me crazy. Today went well, right?

Wren:Yeah. Everything about today was really good. Ez was asking if you’re going to be here in the morning. Love how he says your name. It’s so cute.

Me:I kinda like it too. I spent a lot of time around kids growing up. Lots of kids. Think yours is the cutest.

Wren:Obviously. :) Thank you. I like him. He likes you too. He told Jenny you’re going to teach him to play guitar.

Me:And he’s gonna show me Bob.

Wren:I’m happy, Callum. Really happy. Are you?