
The second I woke up,I remembered I was in Wren’s bed. Without opening my eyes, I also knew for sure she wasn’t in it with me. The shower was running in the bathroom next door, so I assumed she was in there.

It must’ve been early. She hadn’t kicked me out yet, and I was still tired as hell. That was partly because Wren and I hadn’t fallen asleep until...well, it was late. But we had lost time to make up for, and no matter how many times I came, I couldn’t seem to get enough of being inside her.

She couldn’t get enough either. She let me bend her soft, round body in every way, experimenting to find positions we liked, then fucking missionary, because hell, sometimes vanilla was the sweetest flavor of them all. Wren never forgot where we were, though, reminding me to be quiet when I got too loud, smothering her face in her pillow when she couldn’t hold back her moans. Even that part was sexy, because it washer. My pretty little bird who was finally in the palm of my hand. Everything I never knew I wanted.

All these years, watching from afar, telling myself she wasn’t mine, that I was protecting her from a distance and I’d been missing out. Not just on her body, but on her. I smiled when I was with her. Italked. I didn’t cringe at the sound of my voice when we were having a conversation.

What the hell had I been thinking staying away?

I knew. I’d been wrapped up in her purported rejection. Too consumed with jealousy over her being with another guy to even question why the asshole wasn’t in her life when he’d knocked her up. Licking my wounds like a damn kicked dog instead of taking charge and getting my girl.

So much time we could’ve been together, all wasted. I fucking refused to waste another second. I’d push if I had to, but I wasn’t going away.

A gentle poke on my shoulder had my eyelids flying open. Dark amber pools stared back at me from beside the bed.Ezra.

Shit.Wren wasn’t going to be happy. To be quite honest, I didn’t love the situation either. A tiny sweet-breathed boy staring at me like a puzzle before the crack of dawn. I should’ve climbed down the motherfuckin’ drainpipe like I’d planned.

“Are you Mommy’s friend?” he asked.

“I’m Callum.”

Wren’s son has the same color hair as her, but where hers was silky and glossy, his was a pile of wild curls on top of his head. His cheeks were just the right amount of round, and he shared her too-big eyes. The kid was cute. But maybe I thought that because, up close like this, all I saw was a baby version of Wren. It was like she’d made him without any outside help.

I liked that idea.

“Callum?” He had trouble with ‘L.’ In his soft, little boy voice, my name came out “Cow-um,” and I don’t know, maybe it was an improvement.

“Yeah. I’m Callum.”

He nodded once. Decisively. Like that had sealed the deal. “You are Mommy’s friend. She only has three.”

“Did she tell you about me?”

He nodded again, this time smiling. His teeth were small, with gaps between, and bright white. “Mommy only has three friends.” He snickered like he’d just told the funniest joke he’d ever heard, and damn if I didn’t fight the urge to chuckle. “Mommy thinks I’m her friend!” He laughed even harder.

“You’re not?”

“No, I’m her boy.”

“Can’t be her friend too?”

His nose wrinkled. “No. I’m Mommy’s boy. You’re Mommy’s friend.”

“Yeah.” I rubbed some of the sleep from my eye. “I guess I am.”

Or…I had been until her kid found me in her bed. Didn’t know how friendly Wren was gonna feel toward me when she discovered Ezra and I were acquainted.

He looked me over, kinda judgy. “You wearing your jammies?”

“I think I forgot to put them on last night.” Thank fuck I’d listened to Wren and tossed on my briefs and a T-shirt. Shereallywouldn’t have liked me if her kid had seen my bare ass.

He tugged on his snug T-shirt. “I’m wearing jammies. You like them?”

I looked him over. He had some kind of dog with a fireman hat printed on his shirt. The dog seemed pretty legit.

“I do. You think they make those in my size?”