Breathless and wrung out, I let Callum move me however he wanted me on the bed. I was on my back again, and his hands were braced on either side of my head. His mouth covered mine, kissing me so thoroughly, I forgot where andwhoI was. It was only us. Only this. His mouth. Mine. This bed. One moment.

His forehead rested on mine for a long beat, then he sat back on his heels and spread my legs wide. One finger dragged through my folds. Oversensitive and a little sore, I tried to clamp my thighs shut, but he pushed them open again.

“What are you doing?” I whispered.

He swirled his finger around the outside of my entrance. “Seein’ how pretty your cunt looks with my cum dripping out of it.” He plunged his finger into me. “And thinkin’ I want you to keep this piece of me inside you for as long as I can.”

Goose bumps rose along my skin. This shouldn’t have made me feel sexy, but it did. Knowing he wanted me to carry his pleasure inside me made my inner walls clench.

Eventually, he fell down beside me and kissed my cheek in a tender, sweet kind of way. He was silent, and I was sleepy, especially when he kept stroking my back and hair. I melted and allowed my lids to lower, but each time I started to drift, I jolted awake.

“Just go to sleep, Wren,” he soothed.

“Can’t. I have to send you home, but this feels too nice and I don’t want it to end.”

His hand on my back stilled. “I’m not goin’ home.”

Suddenly, I was awake. I propped myself up on my elbow and frowned down at him. “I want you here, I do, but I am nowhere near ready to introduce you to Ezra. It’s too early, and I haven’t even begun to think of how that would even go down or how I’d explain you to him so—”

“Shhh.” I raised my eyebrow, but he only stared at me, unflinching. “I’m stayin’. If you want to smuggle me out in the morning, you can do that. But I’m not gonna let you kick me out tonight when we’ve both been wanting to be in each other’s arms all damn day.”

“I don’t know…”

“Wren.” His fingers sifted into my hair, and he pulled me back down to lie on his chest. “I don’t need to meet him right now. I’m good with it being just you and me until you’re ready. This is all I need, your body tucked next to mine. I will climb down a drainpipe in the morning if you want me to, but there’s no way you’re gonna get me out of this bed until then.”

“Fine.” I shoved at his chest, even though I wasn’t mad at his stubbornness. “You have to put clothes on, though.”

I couldn’t imagine the conversation Ezra and I would be having if he snuck into my room and found a giant naked man in my bed. I shuddered at the thought.

He groaned. “Don’t want to, but if it means I can stay without having to tie you up to force the issue, then I’ll throw on some pants. Give me a minute to hold you like this first.”

“’Kay.” I snuggled my head under his chin and draped my body along the side of his, completely content. “Just for a minute, though.”

It turned out, Callum Rose was the perfect cure for a crappy day...even if he’d been part of the cause.