Me:No. I told you what I’m thinking about. You.

Wren:Okay. I believe you.

Me:Why can’t I see you before then? Friday?

Wren:You can see me on my bench. Friday night I’m being dragged out for drinks with Natalie, my co-irker. <- not a typo!

Me:Do you not want to go?

Wren:No, I think I do. She’s inviting a couple other girls from Good Music. It’ll be good for me to make friends at work. Natalie’s just...well, I don’t think I get her.

Me:Text me the address of where you’re going.

Wren:Why? So you can stalk me?

Me:Just want to know where you are.

Wren:All right. When Natalie tells me, I’ll text you.

Me:Go to bed, Wren. I’ll see you tomorrow in line.

Wren:You make me smile, Callum Rose. Good night. Xoxo

Me:Night, Little Bird. x