I’m only 5 ft. tall! We would look extremely silly together. Like I’m your child or something.

Would I like you coming to visit me? Are you kidding me, Callum Rose? I would die. You could drag my corpse around on your walk.

But there’s no hurry. As much as I want to stare at you, I’m scared of messing things up between us. Aren’t you?

BTW, why have you never asked for a picture of me?

Your freakishly short friend,


Little Bird,

I guess we’re never going to meet because I don’t want to live in a world where you don’t exist.

Move to the city, Little Bird. Have adventures. Don’t shrink just because your parents aren’t good enough to even know you, let alone call themselves your family.

Last night, I slept in our van, and I guess I forgot to lock the door. This morning, I woke up next to a homeless man who introduced himself as Crazy Leon. He’d let himself in while I was asleep. So, yeah, the city is rad as hell.

I don’t need a picture of you, Little Bird. It never even occurred to me to ask. I’ll see you when I can look at you in person. Okay?

I like knowing you’re short, though. You’ll come up to my chest.

Promise me not to die when I show up at your door, and I’ll start working really hard on getting my shit together so we can make it happen.
