She crossed her arms and rested on her elbows, giving me a subtle glimpse of cleavage. “Tell me, please. You have me curious.”

Snapping out of my wandering thoughts, I focused on the woman in front of me. “The truth about recording an album is we spend ninety percent of our time talkin’, writin’, and riffing. They don’t need me there for that.”

“You don’t talk and write and riff?”

I shook my head slowly. “I don’t. I’ve written one song, but I kept it to myself.”

The place between her pale brows pinched. “You don’t want to share it?”

“I don’t think so, no.”

“You should.” Her owl eyes were locked on mine, shining bright with something unsaid. “If they’re having trouble getting the album right, maybe they could use your song.”

“No.” I took a step back, and Wren straightened, eyeing me warily. “See you later.”

Wren lifted her hand in a wave before I turned and walked to the elevator. I stuffed my frozen hands in my pockets, staring at the numbers lighting up as the elevator rushed to the lobby to pick me up.

That interaction with Wren could have gone better, but knowing me, it could have gone much, much worse. I’d call it a win for today.

As soon as I walked into the studio, I was accosted by an angry woman.

“Nice of you to show up, Callie.” Iris charged toward me, her cheeks flaming bright red. She was drowning in her pale pink sweats, but her presence was bigger than both of us combined. That was how she drew in crowds, even when we were the first opener for a shitty, has-been band back in the day. “You’re never late. Why are you the last one here? I need you to be the one person I don’t have to worry about.”

Rodrigo waved his hands in the air behind her. “Hello. Responsible AF here. I’m never late.”

Iris twisted around to talk to him. “That may be true, but you’re only half here lately. Your big-ass head is up there in the clouds. Callum is the steady one in this band.” She faced me again. “Like a glacier.”

I didn’t have easy relationships with anyone. It wasn’t in my nature. But Iris and I came to an understanding in the very beginning. She left me alone while keeping an eye on me, and I did the same for her. Nearly six years of being bandmates, and I couldn’t say we knew each other intimately, but I cared for her, and she cared back.

“Those fuckers are melting down.” Adam raised an eyebrow at me from his place on the couch. He had a guitar in his lap but didn’t really look like he was going to get to work anytime soon.

“I’m here. What do you need from me?” I asked.

She threw out her arms. “I need you to not be late again, all right? I got a call from Saul fucking Goodman this morning. He’s been a monster since his child bride ran off with her bodyguard. I’m pretty sure he hates me since that bodyguard happens to be Ronan's best friend, as if I control his freaking dick.”

Iris’s boyfriend, Ronan, had been her bodyguard for a minute before he became a lot more. He showed up to our rehearsals and recording sessions sometimes, rumbled in an Irish accent, beat his fancy-suited chest to make sure none of us had eyes for his lady, and whisked her away. Iris seemed to like him, and he seemed to be enamored by her, so that was all I needed to know.

“What’d he say?” Rodrigo asked.

“What do you think he said?” Iris pursed her lips like she was sucking on a lemon. “Assholes gonna asshole, you know? There was a lot of ‘time is money, young lady,’ and ‘if I don’t have a hit single in my hands soon, you’ll be in breach of contract.’ Ronan tried to soothe me by calling them empty threats, but damn, boys. I really don’t love having to kiss Saul’s puckered and hairy asshole because we can’t seem to get our shit together on this fucking album.”

Roddy hopped up from his seat to give her a hug. The truth was, the lot of us could be spoiled and difficult, and sometimes we fought, but we’d been through thick and thin together. Nothing was going to change that. “I’m sorry I’ve been a bad bandmate. Give Saul my number. He can rant at me.”

She hit her head into his shoulder. “We’ve gotta finish this week, guys. This is it. I need you here with me, focused and working your asses off.Please?”

Adam unfolded himself from the couch and wrapped his arms around them both. “You got it, Iris. I’ll get my shit together.”

I stayed rooted in place, but I nodded to myself. “I’m here. I’ll be here.”

Iris looked up from Roddy’s chest and flashed me a watery smile. “Thanks, Callie. I know you’re here. You’re the best.”

That was a major fucking overstatement, but Iwashere. I’d be here as long as they were.

Three and a half years ago

Little Bird,

Happy birthday. How does it feel to be in your last year of your teens?