
Dear Callum,


I miss you. A month is too long to go without speaking. If you’re done being my friend, please just tell me so I don’t have to wonder.

BTW, I went out with Will one more time and told him I don’t see us going anywhere. I don’t think I’m in a place to give my heart to anyone now. Not when it’s already out of my hands.

Just let me know you’re alive, okay? Please?

Missing you,

Your Little Bird

Little Bird,

I’m sorry, I’m here.

I’m a dick, okay? I have no other explanation.

I don’t know what to say except I’m fucking glad you ditched that guy. What the fuck are you thinking going out with a guy who rubs his dick on you on the first date? You gotta wait for your shadow. That guy isn’t it. He isn’t it at all. You’re worth ten times more than that.

Don’t think for a second I don’t want to be your friend. You’re important to me. You keep me sane and connected to what’s real. I’ll try real fucking hard not to drop out of your life again. Promise me you won’t waste your time on half-baked dickfaces with stupid hair. I need that promise from you.

To answer your question, I don’t date. Don’t even know if I know how.

I missed you more than anything. Tell me you’re okay.
