I tipped my head to speak to the looming block of ice at my back. Only…he didn’t look so frozen when our eyes connected. Callum’s cheeks were flushed beautifully, and his chest rose and fell just a little bit faster than normal.

“I think I like watching too.”

His eyelids lowered to half-mast. “Turn around, Wren. Look.”

I did as he said. Something had changed on the platform. Intensified. The woman’s hips were writhing against her partners, and he answered her with powerful thrusts.

I gasped, and Adam chuckled. They weren’t dancing anymore. They were fucking, right in front of us. And not just us. At least twenty pairs of eyes were on them.

“They’re having sex,” I pushed out.

Adam laughed again. “Hell yes, they are. It’s hot, right?”

Iwas hot, like I’d spent the day in the sun. What was happening on stage was volcanic. I was embarrassed even though I knew I had no reason to be. By the way they were focused on each other, it was obvious the couple didn’t care they were being watched.

“Yeah. It’s really hot.” I was surprised by how hot I found it. My thighs pressed together, and I caught myself panting softly.

“Are you okay?” Callum asked from behind me.

“She’s fine.” Adam trailed a finger along my cheek.

Callum shifted to my side, scanning me with detached interest. When he reached my chest, I sucked in a shallow breath. His eyes darted to my face, and I tried to give him a reassuring smile, but I couldn’t hide the tremble in my lips.

“Are you okay?” he asked again.

“Yeah,” I breathed. My hand came to my chest, tracing the heated bare skin of my cleavage. “This is...new to me, but I’m not uncomfortable with watching.”

His eyes narrowed. “You’re not?”

“No. It’s…” I licked my suddenly dry lips. “It’s like really sexy art. And I think theywantus to watch.”

His nod was sharp. “They do. They get off on everyone seeing them.”

“Then why do you want me to leave? If they like it and I’m comfortable…?”

“Because,Wren,” he dipped his head closer to mine, “this is only the beginning of the evening. Much more than watching happens.”

The man on stage captured my attention again when he swung his partner around in slow circles, her hair hanging loose down her back. Her hips moved like rolling hills, fluid and smooth, meeting his every thrust.

Adam turned my chin toward him. “Come on, Wren. Let’s sit over there so we can relax and see some of the other performers too.”

He pulled me to a leather bench to the left of the platform and down onto his lap. I sucked in a breath, pulling in my stomach, as if that would make me lighter. His arm banded around my middle and tugged me against him until my back was flush with his chest. My overheated body sank into his like a piece of chocolate melting in the sun.

Callum took a seat on the bench facing ours. In the back of my mind, the part that wasn’t scrambled from the activity happening around me, I thought this seating arrangement was strange. Who put two benches directly across from one another? Neither Adam nor Callum seemed to take an issue with it, so I didn’t bring it up.

Around us, people mingled and drank. The shows on the platforms became more sensual and some outright sexual like the pair we’d been watching.

Some couples and trios had claimed the other seats scattered around the room. Nearby, two women were relieving each other of their clothes while a man seemed to be directing them. Several other partygoers stood around them with drinks in their hands, observing them like they were another show.

“What kind of party did you bring me to?” I breathed.

Adam’s big palms skimmed my stomach and hips. “Whatever kind you want it to be, Wren. You’re in charge.”

“You don’t have to do anything.” Callum’s words should have been reassuring, but he said them with a razor edge, so they sounded more cutting than anything.

“She knows that,” Adam shot back, giving my thigh a squeeze.

Choosing to ignore Callum even though he made it next to impossible, I rested the back of my head on Adam’s shoulder. “Do you usually have sex at these parties?”