We were in a room filled with people, but our tones were so low, it was like it was only the two of us. This party didn’t seem to be anything like I had been expecting, but I wasn’t running scared. I may have been pretty inexperienced, but I wasn’t a prude. Once I’d gotten over the surprise of the sword swallowing and skimpy outfits, it became background noise.

“You don’t want this kinda crazy,” he promised. “Go home like a good little girl.”

I shook my head. “Not a little girl.”

Adam slid his hand around my waist from behind. “Stop trying to steal my date away, Rose. Next time, bring your own.”

The three of us skirted the edge of the vast room, stopping in front of each performer. There were others doing the same, couples and small groups. Adam greeted a few of them with a nod or handshake. The men were friendly enough to all three of us, but I flushed under the extra attention I was paid. Like I was Adam’s prized pony or something. I wasn’t Adam’s anything.

My pink drink was just ice when another man in a leather mask—or maybe the same one—passed by again. Adam grabbed us both a new one, and I sipped while a man in a leather thong and motorcycle hat spun perfect pirouettes in front of me. We didn’t stay there long. I got the strong sense Adam wasn’t so into his performance. Although, he did proclaim he’d look just as good in that costume, and I kind of believed him.

Before we got to the next platform, a man with silver hair and arms covered in tattoos held his hand out to Adam. “Wainwright, pleasure to have you again.” He nodded to Callum. “Rose, long time no see.” Then his eyes lit on me. “And who have you brought tonight? A ripe little peach by the looks of it.”

Subconsciously, I shifted closer to Callum. I felt his gaze on me as Adam greeted the man whose eyes traveled over me like a road he planned on driving down very soon.

“This is sweet Wren. Her first time at one of your parties, but I think she’s gonna like it,” Adam said. “Wren, this is Benson, our host.”

“Ah, a virgin.” Benson Martin rubbed his hands together. “My favorite. It’s my absolute pleasure to have you here, Wren. If Adam and Callum don’t tire you out, come find me. I’d love to get to know you better.”

I didn’t know what to say, but Adam was good at the whole small talk thing. He and Benson traded stories while I glanced around the party. If we were in a normal living room, the furniture had been cleared for tonight. There were several leather settees and benches, but no couches or coffee tables.

A pair of chains with leather cuffs attached hung from the wall above one bench. A man in a sleek suit and woman in a bright red body-con dress were checking them out, tugging to test their sturdiness, I guessed. She rubbed his chest, and his hand slid to her ass, giving it a squeeze followed by a firm slap.

I jumped, and beside me, Callum chuckled.

I was pretty sure I hadn’t stopped blushing since walking into this place, but my cheeks had worked up a furious heat imagining what they were talking about. The plans they might be making. Fighting for the hottest part of my body was the place between my thighs, though.

“Ready to go home yet?” he drawled.

My eyes flicked to his. “I’ll let you know when that time comes.” I shook my head. “You don’t have to stay with me.”

“I know I don’t.” But he was going to, if only to make me uncomfortable.

Adam broke away from Benson, and we continued our path around the room. The next platform contained two performers, a man and woman, both in tiny thongs. They were dancing and touching, no parts were off limits. His hands skimmed her breasts and cupped between her thighs. She dipped back, and he dragged his tongue from her belly button to her throat.

I liked this one. I liked it a lot.

I must’ve squirmed because Adam’s hold on my waist tightened, and he tugged me into his side, brushing his lips along my cheek. “It’s hot, right? Do you like watching, Wren?”

“I-I don’t know. Maybe I do,” I stammered.

“Callum likes watching too.” He pressed his lips to my temple. “I’m more of a man of action, but I don’t mind letting other people watch.”

“Oh.” I pressed my lips together. They felt like I had just rubbed peppers all over them. Tingly and hot, almost unbearably so. All of me felt that way.

He laughed. “Yeah, oh. You still good, cutie?”

I forced a grin. “Back to cutie again?”

He booped my nose. “You banned hottie.”

Callum groaned right behind me. His chest skimmed the back of my head, and beneath the sultry incense, I could just barely pick up his clean, pine scent. It was such a contrast to the stronger smell, there was no doubt it was coming from him.

Wow, after all this time, I knew what Callum Rose smelled like. My eighteen-year-old heart would have exploded if I’d found out back then. It was hard to separate myself from those old feelings when it came to him, but I was trying. And he was helping me along by being a stone-cold asshole.

The man on the stage lifted the woman into his arms, her legs wrapping around his waist. He cradled her on one forearm while his hand molded to her breast. Her spine bowed, and he slowly rotated them in a circle. Her eyes were closed, and her lips were parted in rapture. They weren’t having sex, but they were doing something close to it.

My breasts felt swollen inside my bra, and my panties were shamefully damp. I’d watched porn before, but it was nothing like this. Two beautiful people lost in each other, their desire a dance of writhing bodies and tangled limbs.