We’re traveling up the East Coast. We’ll pass through New Jersey tomorrow. I’ll look for a little bird out the window. I never drive, so I can look the whole time.

Next time you write, tell me all about prom. I never went, so I want to know what it’s like.

Be good.


Dear Callum,

I’m sorry it’s been so long since I last wrote. I just...didn’t have the heart to write back.

Can we not talk about prom? Can we forget I ever mentioned it?

Please tell me something good. Anything. About the farm or Alabama or your band.


Little Bird,

No, no, no. Did someone hurt you? Was it Karthik fucking Singh? Tell me now, and I will bury him. You don’t even have to tell me what happened. I will destroy that kid. Tell me, Little Bird. Let me make it better.

Don’t hide from me. Give me all the ugly. I’ll take it and carry it for you.

I’m proud of you. Don’t shrink. No matter what happened, don’t shrink.


Dear Callum,

Maybe I’ll tell you one day. The fact that you want to go to battle for me has made me feel better already. Your email made me smile for the first time in weeks. I’m sorry I hid from you after prom. I won’t do it again.

Can we get back to our regularly scheduled program? Tell me where you are. What are you doing? Did you see me when you drove through New Jersey? Wouldn’t that be something if you drove right by me? I’m telling myself you did.

Thanks for being my friend, Callum.

Your humbled and devoted pen pal,
