“Is that you trying to police my thoughts?”

“I’m not.” He stroked my stomach in a slow, rhythmic motion. “But I don’t want to hear about anyone else you’ve been with when I’ve still got the flavor of your pussy on my lips.”

Pushing my ego aside, I sighed and let the stiffness flow out of my limbs. “It was stupid of me to mention. Forgive me for the fried brain. I’ll try to do better.”

“That sounded sincere.” His hand moved lower, cupping my pussy like he owned it. “I forgive you.”

Snorting a laugh, I rolled off him, and he allowed it, giving my butt a sharp pat on my way. I sat up, and he threw me my shorts. I shimmied into them, keenly aware of how wet I was between my thighs. The ache there took my breath away, and I had to stand still until I could fill my lungs with air.

By the time I was fully dressed, Ronan had thrown on his sweats and a T-shirt and was waiting for me at his bedroom door. Even though it had been my idea to leave, I was slightly miffed how easily he went along with it and how quickly he was ready to usher me out.

“You’re going in public in sweats?” I asked as I passed.

“Aye. Contrary to what you think, I don’t live in a suit.”

I glanced over my shoulder, finding him right behind me, and I bit my lip. “You look naked even though you’re fully clothed.”

He chuckled as he slipped on his shoes. “I’ve never met a woman more obsessed with what I wear.”

“That’s because there’s no one else like me.” I shot him a wink and strutted to his front door in my high-heel-basketball-shorts ensemble.

“I’ve figured that out.” His answer sent a shot of warmth to my chest and trickled down to my belly.

The car ride to my place started quiet too. I was concentrating on not moaning each time he drove over a bump and jostled my sensitive bits.

I wasn’t one for beating around the bush or avoiding big talks that needed to happen, and the elephant sitting between usreallyneeded to be discussed.

“Should we talk about this?”

His hands tightened on his steering wheel. “Mmm.”

“That’s not an answer. But I assume this was a one-time thing and we’ll go back to normal now that we’ve gotten that madness out of our systems.”


I shoved his rock-hard shoulder. “Don’t be infuriating just because it comes easily to you.”

Ronan smoothly pulled into a fire zone a few houses down from mine and put his car in park. He slung his arm behind my seat and turned to face me.

“I haven’t answered because I would like to be thoughtful when I do. How about this?” He picked up a piece of my hair and absently rubbed it between two fingers. “Both of us take a day or two to think about it. Perhaps this was a one-time thing, perhaps not. Hopefully we will come to the same conclusion. What do you think about that?”

“I think you are being incredibly logical about something that, to me, has nothing to do with logic.” I jerked my head away from him and put my hand on the door. “But you’re probably right anyway. Thanks for the ride.”

He tipped his chin in response and watched me go with his eagle eyes that I felt until I was safely inside my apartment. As soon as the locks clicked in place, I dive-bombed my couch and released a groan straight from my belly.

Ronan Walsh was the most frustrating man alive.

And I wanted him, at least temporarily.

But I wasn’t naive. He let me walk away from him far too easily for a man who was interested in another round. If he truly desired more, he would have tried to pin me down, to extract some type of promise from me and declare me his.

So, we could take a day or two to think things over, but I had no doubt I already knew his answer.

Finn chased me through the park like an out-of-control stalker. He called it training, as in he was training me to evade my real-life enemies, but I thought he was just getting tired of slowing his pace for me and had been itching to run flat out.

If he were my real stalker, I’d be on the ground with a knife through my heart. I was in pretty damn good shape, but Finn was nine feet tall, so he could have captured me without even trying.

“I’m gettin’ close to you, love. You better move those wee legs or else!” He gnashed his teeth as his toes nipped at my heels. There was exactly zero scary about this man, but the chase had my adrenaline pumping and I squealed, my sneakers pounding the pavement.