He cocked his head slightly. “Do you think someone will be shooting at you?”

I huffed a barely there laugh. “I’m not that important.”

His expression remained stoic. “Everyone is important to someone. Given your career, I’d wager you’re important to a lot more people than you think.”

“So, you’d jump in front of a bullet for me, Ronan?” I arched a brow, hoping to back him into a corner.

“It will be my job to protect you.” That was all he said, the handsome, serious fucker.

Finn continued to tap on his tablet as he spoke. “You can’t ask for someone better than Ronan to have your back. We served together in the Rangers overseas and I never doubted him once.” He looked up, shooting me a wink. With their flirtiness and ability to disarm, he and Adam could have been cut from the same cloth.

“I’m sure Ronan is a wonderful soldier boy. I just don’t want anyone following me around, dictating what I can and can’t do.” I held up my hand before they could leap to defend themselves. “But Saul Goodman says I have to have one of you as my shadow, so I’ll accept it for now.”

“Thank you, Iris.” Finn picked up his tablet and pushed back his chair. “Unfortunately, I’ve another appointment, so I have to crack on. I wanted to meet you today because you’ll see me any time Ronan isn’t available.” He shook my hand and shot me a grin. As he passed by, he patted Ronan’s shoulder, then made his way out the door.

Suddenly, I was very alone with my stern bodyguard. I sucked in a breath and smiled at him, only to be hit with a brick wall.

“Wow, you’re really different from my first impression.”

The crease between his eyebrows deepened. “The circumstances are very different.”

“Hmmm. I thought you were never going to admit we met.”

Slowly, he raised one shoulder. “Should I have told Mr. Goodman, his wife, and your boyfriend if you’d texted me as planned, I would have had you in bed by the end of the night?”

I burst out laughing. “My boyfriend? Adam? Oh, that’s cute.” I fanned my face with my hand and giggled a little more. “And wow, you’re overly confident. I definitely wasn’t a foregone conclusion.”

He paused, exhaling heavily through his nose like I was trying his patience. Since he was trying mine, I mimicked him, adding a sigh to the end.

Ronan’s eyes flicked to mine. “Would you have told me you’re famous?”

“When? Before or after?”

A muscle in his jaw flickered like a candle. “You claim there wouldn’t have been an after.”

“I said it wasn’t guaranteed. And no, I probably wouldn’t have. It’s not something I broadcast, and it sounds pretty douchey to introduce myself as ‘Iris, a well-known musician.’ I try to avoid doing that.”

Another flicker, this time his lips, but he bit back any hint of a smile, remaining stern and imposing. They must have taught that expression in bodyguard school. I didn’t dislike it, but it made me want to rile him up a bit.

Daisy took that moment to wander over. Instead of coming to me, she went straight to Ronan. I didn’t know what I’d expected him to do, but cooing and giving her scratches behind her floppy ears wasn’t it.

“There’s that pretty miss. Lookin’ like a fine little thing, aren’t ya?” Ronan’s accent went thick as he dropped his all-business artifice. Daisy licked his hand and thumped her tail on the wood floor, clearly enamored with this man.

He looked up at me, not the least bit sheepish. “Will she be with you much longer?”

“No, I have to give her back next week.” I dreaded the day. Daisy had been the perfect companion and snuggle buddy at a time when I really needed it.

“Shame. I would suggest having a dog of your own, but that probably doesn’t fit too well with your career.” He smoothed a hand down his front, fixing his already straight tie. “Do you have time to take me to your apartment? I’d like to walk through and make notes of any weak points an intruder could enter through.”

I shivered at his choice of words, and Ronan’s eyes tracked my hands rubbing the goose bumps on my arms.

“You’re not very comforting.”

“Maybe not.” He steepled his hands beneath his chin. “But I’m always honest.”

His gaze penetrated mine. There were a thousand other words behind his vow, and I swore he was attempting to implant them into my mind with his eyes. His gray captured my blue and held fast, suspending time and logic until nothing existed except our next synced breaths.

The slamming front door and jingle of keys ended the strange moment before it ever took flight. Ronan blinked, bringing his hand up to rub the place between his eyebrows, and I took a deep breath. Adam strode into the dining room, spinning his keys on his index finger.

“Hey. Am I interrupting your meeting?” He stopped beside me, his hand braced on the back of my chair. I leaned my head against his hip.

“No, not at all. Ronan and I were just about to go to my place so he can find all the spots the boogeyman can come through to get me.”

Ronan pushed back his chair and rose to his full, towering height. “Are you ready?” His tone was gruff and he completely ignored Adam.

I stood too and loosely circled my arms around Adam’s waist. “Would you mind hanging out with Daisy for a while?”

He booped my nose. “Not even a little bit. Have fun, kids.”

Ronan was already headed to the door, his strides long, footsteps heavy. Adam and I exchanged a look loaded with a whole lot ofwhat the fuck, but I didn’t say anything. Instead, I slipped on my boots, gave Daisy one last pat, and followed my grumpy bodyguard out.