Startled, I shook my head, unsure I’d heard correctly. But when June laughed again as she got to her feet, she sounded so much like Iris, I knew I hadn’t been mistaken. I barked a laugh as she disappeared into her bedroom, absolutely delighted at my breakthrough with the younger Adler sister. If I could win her over, perhaps I had a real shot at mymeala.

An email came in, diverting my attention back to work and away from the woman currently filling every single one of my spare thoughts—and even those I couldn’t spare.

I scanned it quickly, my heart beginning to thrash in my chest. Then I went slower, absorbing every word. Pressing my thumb into my throbbing temple, I closed my eyes, vacillating from relief to roaring with rage.

When I managed to get myself under control, I walked into my bedroom and perched on the side of the bed beside a sleeping Iris. Her raven hair looked like ribbons strewn about her. She still only wore a tank top, her panties too soaked to put back on last night. I ran my hand along her bare thigh to her hip then up to her breast, barely contained by the tight, ribbed fabric.

“Iris. Time to wake up,meala.” My knuckles grazed her cheek, brushing her hair from her face. Her eyelids fluttered then snapped open, revealing dazed blue eyes. They darted around for a moment before landing on me, then a slow smile curved her lips. Not even awake for a minute, and she was glad to see me.

“Ronan,” she sighed, and the sweetness of it shot straight through me.

“‘Morning, beautiful girl. I wish I could let you sleep but I need to talk to you.”

She scooted back, half sitting with a pile of pillows behind her. “I’m...that doesn’t sound good.”

Moving closer, I smoothed my palm down the back of her head and kissed her forehead. “I’ve got you. Don’t be worried. I just need to tell you about an email I’ve received from the detective investigating your break-in.”

“Okay.” A slight tremble in her voice, she nuzzled her arm. “Tell me.”

“They’ve arrested two teenage boys who have admitted guilt. Apparently, one of them lives on your block, recognized you, and decided it would gain them internet clout to trash your place and post pictures on some internet forum for incels. A younger sibling found out and turned them in to their parents, who went to the police.”

“Not Logan?” I shook my head, and a rush of breath burst out of her as tears welled in her eyes. “Um…do these boys hate my music or something?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know every detail, but it seems it wasn't personal. You could have been any female celebrity and they would have done it. They’re angry, stupid kids, Iris. They need to be taught a lesson, and it sounds like that will be happening because their parents are irate, but they didn’t target you because of who you are. I need you to know that. Those things they wrote on your walls were not personal.”

She sagged, and a tear slipped down her cheek. “It felt personal, Ronan. It felt really fucking personal.”

“I know it did. Believe me, if those eejits were in front of me right now, I’d shake them until their teeth clanked and their brain cells started firing. Then I’d...well, I’d want to do a whole lot more but I know you wouldn’t let me.”

A laugh mixed with a sob broke free, then she crawled into my lap, burying her face in the crook of my neck. I held her against me, murmuring assurances, letting her know she’d be okay, she was safe and cared for. Those boys hurt her, but they never would again. No one would if I had a say.

The hell of it was, her tears wrenched something inside me that made me crazy. A knot balled in my throat, making it hard to swallow. I was rattled down to my bones at the power she held over me. Her ragged emotions pressed on my raw nerves, making me want to shed my skin and run down the street like a man on fire until the world was righted for this woman.

Taking a deep breath, I drew her deeper into my chest, until her heart pressed against mine. When her tears slowed, I carried her to the bathroom, first undressing myself, then her, and entered the steaming shower. She didn’t seem to want to be far from me, and I didn’t want her to either, so we just stood under the water, letting it slide down our bodies.



“Fire me.”

“What?” Her head tipped back, and a tiny frown pulled at her plush mouth. “Why? I don’t want you to go away.”

I cupped the back of her head. This woman was precious and she didn’t even know it. “I won’t go away. I was hired to do a job. That job has ended. Fire me.”

She snarled at me. Wee angry kitten. “No. I’m not letting you go.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” I reassured her. “I need you to fire me.”

Her chin jutted out. “No.”

“Iris…” I caressed her smooth cheek, willing her to give in, “you have to trust me. I know you do. Fire me,meala.”

She exhaled heavily, pushing at my chest as if she had a chance of budging me. Not on her damn life was I moving away from her.

“Fine, you’re fired, you ass. Now, get out of my shower.” She crossed her arms and twisted to the side. I took her by the shoulders and turned her back around, holding her hands in mine.

“Now that I’m not your bodyguard, I’m just a guy naked in the shower with his gorgeous girl. I’m not going anywhere, and nothing about you is casual to me. I know you feel the same way, whether you say it or not.”