Saul’s laugh was raucous, and Vanessa’s was like a tinkling stream. I couldn’t help wondering how these two had gotten together.

“I guess they answered you, baby,” he said.

“I know too much about him to ever consider going there.” I took a sip of champagne while Vanessa studied me like a piece of artwork. I had to stop myself from shouting, “I’m a real girl!” I hadn’t yet accepted the microscopic attention fame had brought me. Meanwhile, Adam lapped it up.

Adam’s hand slipped from my neck so he could curve his arm around my shoulders. “That’s right. I’ve smelled Iris’s morning breath and watched her shave her pits...and that was just this morning. The mystery is gone.”

Vanessa’s eyes were alight with amusement and keen interest. I had a feeling she’d uncover every detail of our personal lives if we allowed it.

“Oh, you had a sleepover?” she asked.

I shook my head, but Adam answered. “Iris is staying with me while her apartment is being fixed up. Some dick broke in last week and vandalized the place. They cut up her bed and painted ‘wh—”

“Adam,” I hissed, stomping on his toes with my platform pumps.

Vanessa and Saul had heard enough. Saul’s heavy brows drew together in a straight line, and a frown gave him even more of a hangdog expression.

“Do you know who did it?” he asked.

“No.” My eyes dropped to my shoes. “I have some ideas, but nothing concrete.”

“Some ideas, pfft. How’s your security?”

Adam opened his mouth once again. “She has a shitty alarm she rarely sets. No cams or anything, and the front door to her building is basically cardboard. A child could get inside.”

“That isn’t true.” I lifted my eyes to meet Saul’s concerned ones. “He’s exaggerating.”

Vanessa pressed her chest to her husband’s arm. “We should send Iris to LSS. I won’t be able to sleep knowing she’s unprotected.”

“I’m fine.” I reached out and touched her arm with my fingertips. “Honestly. Adam’s building is secure, and once my apartment is fixed up, I’ll be sure to always set my alarm.”

Saul wagged his finger. “No, Van’s right. You’re important to her and this label. You’ll go to LSS and they’ll design a security plan for you. The label will pay for it. At minimum, you need a new alarm system and a bodyguard.”

Horrified, my mouth fell open. I pictured one of the hell beasts at the front door following me around like an overgrown shadow, and it made me want to curl up into a ball. “No, but—”

The crease between Saul’s brows deepened into a crevice. “I won’t take no for an answer. Not on this. Even if you weren’t Van’s favorite singer, you’re an asset to my company. I protect those I value, and right now, The Seasons Change is valuable to me.” He rubbed his chin, his face slackening with realization, as if he just remembered something. “We invited Finn, didn’t we, love?”

Vanessa’s eyes drifted to the side then popped back to her husband. “Yes, we did.” She turned to me. “Finn was my security during my wedding last year. He goes with me to any functions Saul doesn’t attend. And did you see the behemoths at the door? They work for LSS too.”

My chest suddenly felt like I’d been taxidermied. My organs had been replaced with cotton, but they’d put a bit too much in, making me burst at the seams. The conversation went on around me, Adam agreeing I was at the point in my career where I needed more security around when I went out.

“What do you think, Iris?” Vanessa asked.

I hadn’t heard the last minute of conversation. Instead of paying attention, I’d been willing myself not to do a runner. That wouldn’t have been a great look in front of the man who was essentially my boss, and his lovely wife might not have idolized me so much after that.

“I’m willing to have a conversation with them,” I hedged, hoping it was enough.

Saul crossed his arms over his suited chest. “A conversation is fine, but you will be hiring a bodyguard. I won’t take no for an answer.” He kept his tone light, but there was a glint in his eye that brooked no argument.

Control over my own life was something I closely guarded. I would fight to the death to keep it. I had fought nearly to the death to gain it. But The Seasons Change was signed for one more album. If I got on Saul Goodman’s shitlist, I might screw up the rest of the band’s future, and I couldn’t do that to them.

“Thank you. I’ll be in touch with them as soon as possible.” I chugged the rest of my champagne, swallowing down my distaste for men who thought because they talked louder and with more force, they must be right.

“Good.” Saul nodded like the matter had been settled, but I was decidedly unsettled. Adam must’ve sensed I was practically gnawing through my tongue to hold back my objections because he handed me his nearly full champagne and steered the conversation safely away from bodyguards and alarm systems.

Eventually, all eyes landed on me again. Vanessa bounced on her toes, squealing.

“Are you really going to sing for me?”