Even though I didn’t like the idea of her in pain, I couldn’t say my ego didn’t swell about ten sizes. “Was I too rough?”

She shook her head. “Did you hear me complain?”

A smirk tugged at the corners of my mouth. “Only when I stopped.”

“Exactly.” She tipped her head toward the hallway. “I need to go take a shower. Between you and Finn, I’m a sweaty, bodily fluid–covered mess.”

She’d meant it as a joke to rile me. Despite knowing that, the base part of me wanted to wipe Finn’s name from her memory. “Don’t talk about my mortal fucking enemy when my cock’s still half hard and my balls are wearin’ your cream.”

She sputtered a laugh. “Wow, you’re a caveman.” Her fingers wrapped around my tie. “In a really fancy suit. Come shower with me, caveman. I want to see this suit in a heap on my floor.”

I let her lead me by my tie because I had a fine view of her little arse as she walked. But if she thought I’d let this suit touch the floor, I clearly hadn’t spanked her nearly enough.

An hour later, I was in the shorts and T-shirt Iris had borrowed the day before, my suit draped neatly over her dining room chair. She was in her room getting dressed while I sat on her couch, answering an email from a client.

Iris emerged as I hit send, and despite how well my dick had been seen to since I stepped foot in this apartment, it jumped at how sexy she looked in her white tank, no bra, and denim cutoffs. Tattoos lined her arms and part of her legs, peeking over her shoulders, licking the sides of her neck. We were a study in contrast when we were together. I’d never wanted even a tiny tattoo, nor had I been with a woman who had them. On Iris, they were art. By existing on her body, she made them beautiful. And I was already addicted to having her inked body draped over my plain flesh.

“I’m meant to be working,” I said, tossing my phone on the couch.

“You were guarding my body. I felt very well tended to. I’ll definitely put in a good word with your boss.”

I hissed and pulled a face. “Yeah, seeing as my boss is my ma’s best friend and basically my aunt, that might get awkward.”

Iris pressed a hand to her chest and blinked her wide eyes. “Oh, so I shouldn’t mention what a good dicking you gave me?”

“You should not. At least not on the official report.”

Hooking a finger in her empty belt loop, I dragged her onto my lap. She straddled me and sat back on my knees. I pushed her damp hair behind her shoulders, giving her a thorough once-over.

“I would like to fuck you without a condom.”

Her eyes widened. “What? Now? I think you’ll break me if I take you again.”

Chuckling, I slid my hands under her tank and traced the length of her spine with my fingertips, settling at her waist. “Not now, no. I was thinking in the future, near future, I’d like to fuck you without a condom.”

She paused, rubbing her lips together. “That means you can’t be with anyone else.”

“Not a problem at all for me.”

“Really?” Her nose wrinkled. “I heard a rumor you like to pick up girls in the park.”

“I heard the same one about you. Funny how that works.” I slipped my hands down to take a handful of her arse, kneading gently. “That also means you can’t be with anyone else.”


That she even had to think about it drove me to the brink. Did she not feel the same draw? The same need to drop all barriers, even the thin latex that separated her skin from mine?

“Iris,” I said her name like a command, and from the snarl she shot at me, she heard it as such and didn’t like it. I tried a different approach. “Meala, I don’t know what’s going on here, but I am positive you’re deep in my system, and I’d like to continue fucking you until we’re both satisfied.”

She leveled me with an assessing gaze. “I like monogamy, but I don’t really do the whole relationship thing. Regular sex, though, that’s enticing.”

“I’m not asking to be your boyfriend, I just want to know I’m the only one who’s allowed inside you.”

Her eyes met mine. “I want a lover, not a daddy. If you think I’ll let you in and you’ll start controlling me outside of bed—”

“I’m well aware you will snap me like a wee twig if I attempt to tame any portion of your life other than the naked times.”

She snorted and fell against my chest. It felt natural to wrap my arms around her and keep her there.