
My fists were clenched as Iris let me into her place.Finn knew goddamn well he shouldn’t have had his hands on her like he did. It took all my willpower not to rip into him in front of Iris, but I would have looked like a jealous lover instead of a pissed-off boss.

Finn knew better. He wasn’t as strictly regimented as I was when it came to the job, but he damn well knew not to let his guard down as he had when he was working. It led me to wonder what other rules he’d been flouting while on the clock. We’d be having a talk, me and him, and it wasn’t going to be pretty.

But first I had to have a talk with the more than pretty woman fumbling with her lock. I placed my hand over hers, guiding the key forward, and twisted until the door opened. She glanced at me over her shoulder, eyebrow raised, but didn’t say a word.

I shut the door behind me, locking us in, and placed her keys on the small entry table. Iris took off her shoes and disappeared into her kitchen. With my hands in my pockets, I followed. She stood in front of the sink, chugging a cup of water.

Seeing her in her skintight leggings and sports tank, I cursed my fucking knee yet again. The seam of her leggings separated her peachy arse so perfectly, she might as well have been naked. If people were seeing her this way, then I should have been there to make it clear they could look but touching was out of the fucking question.

“So, you and Finn have become pals, huh?”

She choked on her water, sputtering and coughing to clear her throat. “What? I don’t know, I guess. I mean, I’m paying him to run with me, so I guess I can’t really call it a friendship, but he’s not so bad to be around.”


Placing her cup beside the sink, she propped a hip on the counter and folded her arms over her chest. She was probably trying to look stern, but her tits were pushed up and on display, so it was hard to be troubled by her serious expression.

“Is that what you came here to talk about?” she asked.

“It isn’t.”

“Then why are you asking about Finn when you could just say what you want to say and leave?”

With a short laugh, I leaned my shoulder against the entry to the kitchen. “What makes you think I’m in a hurry to leave?”

Heaving a sigh, she unfolded her arms and made to leave the room. As soon as she brushed by me, I caught her hip and tugged her against me.

“Where are you going?”

“Look,” she fisted my tie, her brow furrowed, “I don’t need more time to think. This isn’t happening. We’ll go back to how it was before and—”

I cut her off with a furious kiss. I’d come here to say the exact same thing, but a second in her presence, and my answer had changed. The fact that she thought she could walk away from this frustratingly heated connection sent a shot of anger into my bones. This wasn’t one-sided. She might try to convince herself it was, but there was no denying the way her mouth yielded to mine as soon as I demanded it.

I licked her mouth, swallowing her flavor, injecting her with mine. She whimpered, grasping my jacket like she’d crumble to the floor if she didn’t hold on.

She tried to tear her mouth away, murmuring a weak protest.

“No. Thisishappening. Don’t tell me it’s not. Don’t lie to me.” I pushed her back against the wall, gripping her throat. A moan fell from her swollen lips, and she nodded. I huffed a laugh at her easy acquiescence. “That didn’t take much convincing,meala.”

“Don’t be cocky, Ronan. You don’t wear it nearly as well as your suits.”

“Ahhh, Iris.” I buried my face in the side of her neck, inhaling her honey mixed with sweat, dragging my tongue from the base to her jaw. “I like knowing you want me as badly as I want you. I don’t like when you try to deny it.”

I shoved her tank up, freeing her breasts from the bottom. Her nipples here taut, straining in my palms. She arched, pushing them into my hands, begging for me to keep touching them.

Our kisses turned messy as she worked on my shirt, yanking it free from my pants and sliding her hands beneath to claw at my skin. She was a vicious little kitten, and the raking of her nails down my stomach to my belt sent a surge of arousal straight to my cock.

Needing her the way I did filled me with something akin to anger. That wasn’t quite it, but it had buzzed through my system for the past twenty-four hours, occupying the forefront of my mind until it felt like I might lose it if I didn’t have her. Which was why I’d come here to end it, except that wasn’t happening. Not yet. Not today. I wasn’t walking away—and neither was she.

I spun her around, and with my hand on her nape, walked her to the counter, pushing her down so her cheek was on the granite and her sweet arse was in the air. Her leggings came down in one smooth motion, and she stepped out of them, kicking them to the side. I shoved off my jacket and opened my pants, freeing my cock.

Iris moaned when I pressed my hips against her backside, swaying her ass to entice me. As if I needed it. I was so fucking enticed, my sanity was in danger of snapping.

I slapped her arse twice in quick succession. Iris moaned, her head rearing back. “That’s for thinking you could walk away.”

“I’m sorry,please.”